Chapter 7

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I lifted my shirt in front of the mirror and looked down at the covered wound. I peeled the bandage slowly, gritting my teeth at the pain.

When I saw what lay beneath, my breath caught in my throat. I reeled back from my own reflection. I covered my mouth with my hand.

On the left side of my chest, very close to my heart, there was a white line to mark the horror of that night.

I looked down at the scar and traced a finger gently over the surface.

Flashes of blood appeared in my vision.

I instinctively pulled my hand away and my shirt fell back down to cover the wound.

I shut my eyes tightly and fell to my knees.

The memories kept coming.

I curled up on the ground in the same position I'd been in when they kicked me. I couldn't escape them then, and I was trapped in the memory now.

Someone help me, I thought.

Time was no longer of any consequence. There was only that horrible moment over and over again. I don't know how long I'd been lying on the ground before they found me.

Two nurses hurried in when they saw me. One of them touched me, snapping me back to reality.

I inhaled sharply and pushed myself away from her until my back was pressed firmly against the wall.

"Please don't touch me" I said.

They took a step towards me.

"No! That's close enough!" I yelled, still terrified from the horror of my memories.

They exchanged a glance and disappeared into the corridor.

I grasped the edge of my bed and pulled myself up.

Jungkook's POV

"I wonder how Chloe's doing. It's strange for her not to have said anything to me recently" Jungkook thought aloud.

The nurse paused and glanced over her shoulder at him.

"You know that girl has been asking to see you ever since she woke up. She's even tried sneaking out from her room, but she's only just been given the all clear that she can leave and go home soon" she said.

"What? I had no idea" Jungkook replied.

Suddenly, another nurse rushed up to his room.

"We may need your assistance" she said.

"Me?" Jungkook asked.

"It's your friend Chloe. She's had another episode and none of us can seem to calm her down" she said.

"What do you mean 'another episode'?" he asked.

"I'll explain on the way" she replied.

Jungkook hurried to follow the nurse to Chloe's room.

"With regards to her episodes, think PTSD. She keeps thinking that she's being attacked again" the nurse explained. She pointed to the door.

"I'll let you talk to her" she said.

Chloe was curled up on her hospital bed, her knees tucked into her chest.

"Chloe?" Jungkook asked.

She peeked over the top of her knees. "Jungkook? Is that really you?" she asked.

He took a seat on her bed next to her. "Of course it's me" he replied.

"I've missed you" she said.

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