Off, But Not Broken (Yet)

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"How can someone screw up as badly as you?! This was supposed to be a simple mission!"

"Dude! Chill! It's not like I wanted to hurt my own brothers!"

"Oh yeah?! Then maybe you should think about that the next time you-"

"Raph, that is enough!"

A growl, followed by a slew of curses signified that Raph was going to obey the command, not out of respect, but because he didn't feel like arguing with Leo on the matter. It didn't make sense! Why was the oldest always sticking up for Mikey? The kid was a stupid screwup! That's all he ever was, and that's all he'll ever be!

"Hey, thanks Leo." Mikey sighed, sending his brother a shy smile. When Leo didn't respond, Mikey's smile dropped, and he pursed his lips, taking a few steps forward.

"Michelangelo, we need to talk." That statement was enough to force Mikey to freeze, gulping audibly before turning to look at Leo once more. On the leader's face lay a stagnant look of disappointment, and it twisted Mikey's guts in ways he couldn't describe. "This is the eighty-fifth time that you've managed to cause a mission to go awry."

Mikey flinched at Leo's calm tone, twiddling his fingers together as he looked down at the floor. For what felt like hours, neither brother said a thing, a fact that only caused Mikey to want to disappear. This was far from normal. On any other day, Leo would be going on a full-on rant about how irresponsible it was for Mikey to do something so life-threatening, but now? Absolutely nothing.

"Well... I'm so-"

"I don't want to hear it." Leo remained calm, arms crossed, and gaze now completely focused on his baby brother. "You've been messing up too many times lately, Mikey, and I can't help but feel that... I've been letting you off too easy."

"Okay...?" Mikey was unsure of where this was going, and he tilted his head in that puppy-like way he did whenever he was confused. "So... does that mean that... I'm grounded or something?"

"No. It means that I'm going to have to take you off the team." Leo sighed, looking Mikey straight in the eye. Almost immediately, Leo swore he could see the exact moment when his brother's heart broke into tiny, miniscule pieces. With a sympathetic frown, Leo placed his hands on Mikey's shoulders. "Please don't take this the wrong way, Mikey. I'm doing this for the good of the team. For the good of the family. For... well... for your own good as well."

"My own good? What is that supposed to mean?" Mikey did his best to sound betrayed, but Leo knew better, easily catching on to Mikey's sadness. A long silence occurred once more as Leo wiped away a few of Mikey's unshed tears, drawing Mikey into a comforting hug. "Does this mean you don't want me anymore?"

"Mikey, you know that's not what I mean at all. I just need you to realize that there are consequences for every choice you make. Some good, some bad."

"And this is a bad one."

"Unfortunately." Mikey wilted at the single word, feeling not a bit of comfort in the physical contact that would normally make him feel safe, secure, and happy. A sob escaped Mikey's throat beyond his will, and he refused to let Leo see his tears, keeping his face buried in the crook of Leo's neck. "Please don't cry, Otōto. I'm only doing this to keep us safe; to keep you safe."

"But I said I was sorry! I won't let it happen again!" Mikey's sobs pulled at Leo's heartstrings and played them like a fiddle, forcing the leader to take a breath in order to keep his composure. This wasn't something new, Mikey using tears to try and make up for his mistakes. It was a cruel and manipulative tactic, in Leo's opinion, but still effective in every way.

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