A Checkup and the Word Mama

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"Alright Mikey, a little heads up, this needle may look scary, but trust me when I say all you'll feel is a little itty bitty pinch, okay?"

Hold on, a needle?! No! Not a needle! Not one of those! Please! I'll do anything else! I'll take cough medicine! I'll take a gummy! Anything but a needle! Not a shot! Not a shot!

"NO! NOOOOOO!" Mikey squirmed around in Leo's arms, wailing and hissing as he tried to keep himself from getting blood drawn. "Weo! No nee-ble! No nee-ble!"

"Mikey, it's okay! It'll only last a second." Leo assured, shifting so that he was nuzzling his beak against the baby's. The action received an immediate reaction, and Mikey went limp, smiling and purring happily. Soft chirping and babbling was accompanied by Mikey running his claws along Leo's face. "Aww, is the baby giving me a massage?"

Yes, I am giving a very relaxing massage. Very, very relaxing.

"Am ma-soos." Mikey chimed, so occupied by the brotherly moment that he didn't even notice the needle that had been inserted into his arm. It only took a couple of seconds for Donnie to gather enough blood, and the genius cheered happily, gaining Mikey's attention.

"Look Mikey! You had a shot and didn't shed a tear!" Donnie announced, giving a proud smile. With a gasp, Mikey looked at the needle, then at his arm, squealing happily and wagging his tail rapidly. "That's right! You did such a good job!"

Oh yeah! Go me! I'm such a boss!

"Boom-la-kee-sha!" Silence followed the shout, and Donnie and Leo glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. Behind them, Raph walked into the lab in confusion, looking at Mikey as if asking the baby for an explanation. Mikey merely chirped, looking around and humming before his eyes landed on his feet.

Holy chalupa... I GOT FEET!

"Mama! Got feet! Me got feet!" Mikey shouted, bringing a foot up to his face in an attempt to chew on it. Above him, Raph and Donnie did their best to keep from laughing loudly, knowing very well how Leo felt about being called 'mom'. "Vewy tickly!"

"Aww, you are too cute!" Donnie cooed, pushing Mikey's foot away. The baby let out a frustrated growl in response, taking hold of Donnie's finger and blowing a raspberry. Mikey then started nibbling on his brother's finger, babbling lazily. "It's just like being bitten by a kitten!"

Hey! Donnie rhymed!

"Rine! Dee did rine!" Mikey squealed, waving Donnie's finger side-to-side rapidly. Unable to keep himself held together any longer, Donnie snatched Mikey out of Leo's arms, pressing his snout against Mikey's tiny cheek. Leo chuckled, having finally recovered from his previous shock at the baby's shout. "Smell like berris!"

"Don't ya think ya should be working on some sort of magic potion to fix Mikey?" Raph asked gruffly, taking his turn to snatch the baby. Now that he was in Raph's arms, Mikey sniffed his aggressive brother's snout, gasping happily as his tail wagged. "What's up with you?"

"Waphie smel... wike... cin-nan-omen!" Mikey announced, pointing at Raph with determination. "Waphie cin-nan-omen, Dee berris, Weo... Weo is... man... man-yo..."

"Are you trying to say mayonnaise?"  Leo asked. When Mikey nodded, Leo blushed heavily, covering his eyes and lowering his head as Raph and Donnie cackled. "Why and how do I smell like mayonnaise?!"

"Weo... wike man-yo-aze... smel sweet 'n' look... gweat!" Mikey chirped, outstretching his arms. "Gweat... wike han-somp."

"Oh, Leo is handsome?" Mikey nodded at Donnie's question, his focus traveling to Raph's beak. "Are Raph and I handsome too?"

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