First Day Alone, First Day Changed

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"Alright Mikey, you know what to do if you need one of us."


"And you have your T-Phone, right?"


"And you don't need anything before we leave?"


Leo frowned, waiting for any sign of visible sadness before ordering Raph and Donnie to prepare for patrol. Once the trio was gone, Mikey sighed heavily, trudging around the lair in boredom. It was now that Mikey finally realized how much he had- for lack of a better term -fucked up. There was literally nothing to do in the lair while no one was around! Not to mention the fact that it was so... quiet.

"What is a sad turtle to do?" Mikey asked no one in particular, looking around aimlessly. All at once, a completely reckless idea popped into Mikey's head, and he bounced up and down excitedly, rushing into Donnie's lab. Without any sort of second thought- because who has time for those, right? -Mikey gathered up an armful of colourful serums, ignoring every sign put up in front of them. "Now, we add a bit of purple with a bit of green, create a dull ruby with these two, mix together the two products, add a drop of pink, a pinch of some of this salt lookin' stuff, a bit of this water, and just a tiny bit of Mikey DNA!"

By the end of his triumphant speech, Mikey's creation was sparkling, bubbling, and changing colours. With a squeal, Mikey carefully grabbed his concoction, spinning it around until it turned a deep mahogany colour. A nod of approval was all it took for Mikey to sniff the liquid, reeling back in disgust at the odor. This needed an extra ingredient, Mikey knew. But what would make such a pretty colour smell just like it looked?

"Red Velvet Cake!" Mikey gasped, carefully scuffling towards the kitchen. Cautiously, Mikey set the liquid on the counter, looking through the refrigerator and humming. "Gonna make this the best creation since sliced bread!"

A very uncharacteristic amount of care was put into determining how much cake would be needed, and Mikey decided that he may as well just place a few drops on a slice of cake, just to see how it affected the dessert. Mikey smiled joyously, putting a few drops on a decent sized slice of cake. When nothing happened, Mikey took a bite out of the cake, coughing and gagging at the surprisingly awful taste.

"Blegh! It's like I just ate cough syrup! And not the good kind!" Mikey whined, pushing his slice of cake forward. A shudder ran throughout Mikey's body, and he growled at the feeling, surprising himself with the primal sound. "Alright, that's it, Mikester. From this point forward, no more-"


Loud snoring filled the silence of the lair, drowning out any other sound, including Mikey's T-Phone, which was going off every five seconds. This went on for a good hour or so before the T-Phone stopped beeping completely. If Mikey were awake, he would have seen that these messages weren't any normal messages.

They were ones begging him to pick up his phone, for his brothers were in dire need of his help.


When Mikey awoke, he found himself on the floor, groaning as he sat up. A harsh headache pounded through Mikey's head, and he whimpered, rubbing his head lightly. Loud sounds of anger startled Mikey awake completely, as well as making his headache worse. As the sounds got closer, Mikey came to the realization that it was his brothers, and he opened his mouth to respond.

However, when he spoke, the only thing that came out was a senseless babble.

Mikey gasped softly, standing up slowly, and confirming his suspicions. Somehow, in some way, Mikey had managed to create some sort of wacky serum, one that not only left him defenseless, but turned him into a pitiful, tiny baby.

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