Chapter 12: Compromised

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I woke up the next morning to find Liliana still laying beside me. Taking time to actually look at her, I realized just how adorable she was curled up next to me. She always hogged the blankets, but I didn't complain. We always kept each other warm on cold nights.

"Good morning, precious." I whispered in her ear, nipping at it to help wake her up.

She grumbled and pulled away from me. "What's so good about it?" She asked, placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me closer.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm spending it with you." I said, kissing her.

She giggled and pressed herself against me. "Can't we just spend it here? Do we need to get up?" She complained.

"You said we'd find a Bloodgift Demon today," I added. "How about when we find and kill one, we spend the rest of the day cuddling?" I offered.

She scoffed and wrapped her legs around me, giving me a look that sent shivers down my spine. "Cuddling? Dear, that's for when I'm cold and tired. I'm going to want a little something more…" she explained, dragging a fingertip slowly across my chest.

I laughed and pushed my hips against hers. "That's fine by me." I said, kissing her.

We got dressed and went downstairs, where we were greeted by several of Miss Vess' servants. Miss Vess nodded at them, an unspoken message being relayed to them. The zombies shambled off as we made our way to the dining hall.

We went to take our seats when I noticed we had company. "He's new, Lili. Mind explaining your new friend?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice say.

In what would usually be my seat, I saw none other than Jace Beleren, hood up, reclined in his chair. No, my chair, actually. "I'm Miss Vess' pupil. And that's my seat." I snapped, pulling out my tomahawk.

Liliana watched the two of us. "Jace, why are you here?" She asked. "Shouldn't you be off on some grand adventure with the rest of The Gatewatch?".

"My duties lie elsewhere at the moment. Chiefly, the well-being of the city you helped destroy." He said, standing up and pulling back his hood. "You gave up the Veil. Bold move. I thought you were attached at the hip to that thing.".

Lili narrowed her eyes. "The Veil is irrelevant at this moment. You still haven't answered my question, Beleren." She stated, one hand now glowing violet.

"I'm here because I have a way out for you. A way-"

"I found my way out. The only people who know I'm alive are you, Kaya, and her friends. And Kerrick, of course." She said, nodding at me.

"So that's your pet's name? Cute." He said, teleporting behind me. I whirled around to face him, eyes locked onto him. "Twitchy. Well muscled. Familiar with weapons. A warrior of some sort? Your enforcer, perhaps?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"I belong to no one, Beleren." I hissed.

"Kid, I'll be honest, I couldn't give less of a shit if I wanted to. Lili, I came here because I need your help.".

Liliana raised an eyebrow. "Well, I think we've been here before, Mr. Beleren. You're supposed to open with some false accusations, then the Deja Vu becomes all too real." She said sarcastically.

"Lili, I'm serious. I need your help. Ravnica is at risk.".

"And why would I help you save a plane that wants me dead?" She snapped.

I went to say something, but Jace beat me to it. "Only after you released a horde of undead warriors upon them!" He replied defiantly.

"Because the most powerful being in the Multiverse threatened to kill me if I didn't!" She retorted.

"Um, might I add that Ravnica is my home?!" I shouted.

Liliana paused, then sighed. "I suppose you're right. I'll help. But I need something from you, Jace.".

"Name it." He said blankly.

"I want my name cleared. I will help if you make sure the guilds don't send anymore assassins after me." She said firmly.

"Yes. I will talk with the guilds about it."

"And you will win. If they don't back down, they're looking at a war. I wanted to get away from all this crap, but so help me, if I catch wind of any assassins coming my way, I will lay waste to your precious guilds." She hissed.

"Okay. No more threats. Just meet me in the Undercity. Korozda. Make sure to stay hidden. Nixilis has Vraska, so he controls the Erstwhile by proxy." He warned. "Don't disappoint me." He said before planeswalking away.

Liliana pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Gods, I'm glad what I had going with him was short-lived. He's too complicated for my liking.".

"Tends to be the case with mindmages." I commented. "They can never keep the mess in their head in there.".

Lili laughed. "I suppose you're right. Now, with Beleren gone, I think we should do some strategizing before our visit to Ravnica." She said, twirling a finger through her hair.

"Absolutely. Anything you need me to do?" I asked.

"Yes. The Veil. I want it back. Do whatever you need to. Just get The Veil." She demanded.

I laughed. "Don't worry, precious. It'll be back on your pretty little face soon enough." I replied, running my fingers through her hair.

She chuckled and ran her hands over my chest. "Are you sure Jace was wrong to call you my pet?" She joked.

"I'm whatever you want me to be, Lili. Lover, master, or pet… I don't care. As long as I'm yours." I whispered in her ear.

She moaned softly and kissed my cheek. "I like that. Remember, no matter what, you are my little plaything. Understood?" She said, gripping my chin.

I smiled at her and grabbed her wrist. "No one else's." I stated, removing her hand.

"Good. Now, I think we should get this over with, don't you?" She said, adjusting her headpiece.

"Yes. You will get the respect you deserve."

"And after that, you will have immortality. As long as I live, you will. I need that." She added.

I purred with satisfaction and kissed her. "Then let's get this over with."

"Agreed. See you on Ravnica."

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