
119 3 1

march 23, 2016

i don't understand what the fuck is going on. i don't understand why we had to move from colorado, which is where all of our friends and family that we care about are. i don't understand why we thought it was such a good idea to move to fucking texas. corpus christi, texas out of all places. literally everything was just fine. yeah, my brother and i's biological mom might have dipped out once again, but it's fine? we were just fine. then all of the sudden, our dad came in the living room and proceeded to tell us we were moving. no warning, no sympathy, just pack your bags we are leaving. that was five days ago, on the 18th. on a friday???

anyway, i probably should just shut up and put up about it, right? what is a high school experience if you don't have something semi-bad happen to you after the next bad thing? hopefully the people at my new school don't suck as bad as my other school. i'm gonna miss my friends, though. my best friend, chloe, bawled her eyes out for at least 45 minutes when i told her that i was leaving to texas. i'm probably going to miss her the most at the end of the day. she has been there since the first grade, and we thought we were going to have highschool and the rest of our lives together. clearly, not the case. i think she will do fine without me, though. she is a pretty and talented girl. short, petite, long blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles. high cheekbones. basically the girl that is described in any typical high school scene. i know she will go places, considering she is smart and has the pitch pipes of a god. 

i guess i should describe myself a little bit, since we are only an hour away from the city, and my family has been quiet. my dad has been driving in silence ever since we left colorado, and my stepmom has been either on her phone or sleeping. my brother on the other hand, has been blasting metallica and wu-tang through his headphones ignoring everyone. i think he was more pissed off that he was leaving his friends behind, than being confused. but i'll get to my family later. my name is izabella, but some call me izzy, some call me bella. much like my friend chloe, i have blue eyes and can sing somewhat. UNLIKE my friend chloe,  i am not short, petite, nor have long blonde hair. being on the thicker side, 5'4, and having shoulder-length brown hair, i think i'm pretty average. especially considering i have glasses n lil baby cheeks. self-confidence is lacking, yes, but i'm trying. my dad is jesse. he is like 5'9, long brown hair, hazel eyes that range from looking brown to green to blue, and a very crooked smile. rachael is the stepmom, short black hair, cat-green eyes, nose rings, tats galore, and a smile that could make you stop in your tracks. my lil bro is damian. he is fucking tall for his age, being 14, blonde, blue eyes, facial features like my dad. always looking po'd about something and everything.

"can you tap on your brother's shoulder and tell him to turn down the music. i'm so sick of hearing wu-tang on blast." my dad whispers, since rach passed out for the fifth time in an hour. i just nod my head in response and tap damian on the shoulder. he snaps his head off the car window, glaring in my general direction. even though it was 9:30 at night, i could still almost see the look of hatred. the moon slightly outlining the wrinkles in his forehead and eyes, i could tell i was going to get yelled at. "what the fuck do you want?" he snaps back, talking quietly so my dad can't hear. "dad wants you to turn down the music. don't get mad at me." i say back nuetrally. i really didn't feel like fighting with him, not now. it's late and i'm tired. damian just rolls his eyes and puts his headphones back on, angrily pressing the volume button on his phone. as i put my head back on the window, my dad makes eye contact with me through the rearview mirror. "thank you", he mouths to me. again, i just not my head in response. i then close my eyes, trying to get at least some sleep for the day. it was going to be a long night ahead unpacking, and even longer of a week getting ready to go to my new school.

fuck my life. 

hey ya'll, this is my first fan fic i have ever written in my life, so pls let me know what you think and what i can do better? i would appreciate it sm:) dm's are always open if you ever need someone to talk to, and my twitter is @bellahampton02. love ya'll.


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