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*little warning, kind of a long chapter, sorry:)*

march 28th, 2016

today is the day. first day of highscool in good ol' corpus christi, texas. currently it's 6 am, the sun not even peaking through the sky quite yet, and i gotta get up to get ready. ready for good ol' woodlands high school. am i scared shitless, kinda. am i mostly tired because we spent the last four days unpacking and arguing with each other about the move, yes. it's been emotionally and physically draining, but i have to get to school so i can have a good start with my teachers. my parents are super strict with grades and education, and i really don't like pissing them off anymore than my brother already has these past couple of days. i get up out of bed, looking around my new room. i gotta say, i'm really digging it. it's way more spacious than i thought it was going to be. i don't know how my parents pulled the money out of their asses to get this type of house, but it's nice either way. my room has a big window that faces out toward the neighborhood, a fucking sun roof, which is easy to get through to climb onto the actual roof of my house. i have a queen sized bed, my own bathroom, and a walk-in closet, which is pretty much empty and full of painting stuff, since i'm not really into clothes. i mean i am, but it's mostly band merch or random shirts i find on redbubble. 

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i gotta say, if my parents were trying to win me over with buying all of this shit, it kinda worked

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i gotta say, if my parents were trying to win me over with buying all of this shit, it kinda worked. i mean, i have a whole ass jacuzi and stand-in shower in my bathroom with a bunch of succulents and flowers. my closet has lil seats in it dawg??? i fucking lucked o u t if you ask me. but anyway, i gotta get ready. it's already 6:17 and i gotta be at school by 7:30, to prepare and find my mentor. i guess it's a dude. i don't really care about that, but i gotta try and look my best, just in case he is cute or he has cute friends. hey, gotta make a good impression on these texas boys, amirite?

as i hop out of my bed, i see the sun making shapes and patterns with my windows on the floor. orange and tinted red hues splatter themselves around the room, bringing natural light that makes me feel euphoric, slightly homesick for the colorado-colored skies.  tip-toeing to the bathroom, i grab my phone off the charger and look at the time again. 6:20, just a little over an hour til i have to be at woodlands. i turn on the bright florescent lights in the bathroom, making my way toward the shower. as i undress, i look at the tattoos on my body, making me sad once again. the one on my sternum and the one on my ribs, stupid decisions with the best people back home that will be permanent memories. i walk into the steaming hot water that soothes my muscles and calms my nerves, trying to focus on my breathing. breathe, kid breathe. as i'm get out of the shower my dad sends me a text. it's shocking, considering he never is up this early.

rad dad: hey, are you up and getting ready 4 school. 

                                                                                                                                                big brain: yeah dad i just got outta the shower. i'll text you when i'm leaving. love u have a good day:)

rad dad: make sure to get your brother up, too. i think he stayed up til 3 this morning. 

idk why but this bugged me. cool, now i gotta take care of myself and my brother because my dad doesn't want to deal with him. ya know, just family thingz. 

  rad dad: hello?

                                                                                                                                                big brain: yeah dad, i'll take care of it. love you. 

rad dad: thank you. love you too, have a good first day of school:)

i quickly run a towel through my hair and dry off as quickly as possible. it's 6:29 and i don't have time to waste to get ready. i brush n blowdry my hair, then bobby pin my bangs to the side with a lil twist for an accent. i do some wing eyeliner, lil mascara, and some highlight cuz fuck breaking out with some foundation. my skin is clear for once, so why not. i throw on a keanu reeves tee and some ripped bleached jeans. as for shoes, i just went with some simple black vans and my delicate fucking flower socks. why not make it interesting. i head out of my room, grabbing my losers club backpack (i mean who else isn't an 'it' stan,) and walk toward my brothers room. i knock on the door, waiting for an answer. "damian get the fuck up, we gotta get ready. it's 6:30." no answer from the other side. banging on the door again, i yell a little louder. "damian i said get up! we got to G O!!" finally i hear rustiling in the room. it smealt a little like weed and burnt paper. fuck, not this shit again. when damian opens up the door, smoke comes wafting out, the strong dank but sweet smell smacking me in the face. great, now i got to spray down so i don't get searched. his eyes are veiny with red lines, and he has a shit eating grin of a child doing something mischevious. "i just need to put on clothes, sis." he mumbles trying to close the door on me. "before you do that," i whisper, trying not to rat him out to my parents, "spray some fucking cologne and open a damn window. you reek. not a good way to start a new school, dumbass." he glares at me before flipping me off and slamming the door. rolling my eyes i hop down the stairs into the living room, seeing my two cats perched up in the main window. my gray russian blue fender, and my orange tabby gibson, look at me with unamusement. "well good morning to you too, assholes." i say to them, a little hurt by the lack of affection. 

at 6:48 damian finally comes downstairs, wearing blue jeans, converse, and an iron maiden "number of the beast" t-shirt. typical, but it's not a bad fit. "ready to go?" i ask him. his eyes are a little more clear now, and he smells more clean. there's a hint of weed, but fuck it. he nods his head, and goes to pet the cats. i pull out my phone and text my dad a little goodbye, put my headphones in and start walking toward the door. "it's gonna take us like 20 minutes to walk there so come on." damian grabs his backpack and follows me out the door. he shuts& locks it, then puts his headphones in as well. we walk toward the school, not ready or expecting the events that would be waiting for us when we got there. 

(holy fuck. double update n 1241 words and we are only on the second chapter. i didn't want to leave you guys with just the semi-stale first chapter. i'll try and update tomo after school work is completed. again, dm's are always open. stay safe, ya'll:) )

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