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i walked out of seventh period, not really knowing what to think of what happened. everything that was talked about and expressed at lunch made me think that there was something going to happen, but i wasn't sure what. there were so many things going through my mind and frankly i was exhausted. thank god it's a friday or else i would want to end my school career.

as i step out of the front doors i hear someone running in the hallway behind me. walking down the steps pass the blood made my heart sink, but the sudden feeling of someone running towards me and touching me brought my heart into my throat. eyes widening, the goosebumps flaring on my arms and the back of my neck, i turn around to see who the fuck had the nerve. my eyes widened even more but my face turned into the tomato it is. standing in front of me, sweat dripping from his bleach-blonde hair, green/brown eyes piercing mine, hand on my shoulder, his breath heavy and hitched, was nick. stupid. fucking. nick.

"dude you walk fast for a short person." he pants, not breaking eye contact. i raise an eyebrow at him. what? "uhm? okay? are you good?" considering dude looked fucking wrecked at the moment, i don't know why i asked that question. he looked at me with a slight grin but the way his eyes looked it seemed like he meant something else. or it was just because he ran. or...because the sun is shining in his eyes... 

"i was trying to run after you to ask you something," he continues. "but you walk so fucking fast." now a laugh was jumping out of my throat. "oh, makes sense. yeah, kinda gotta walk fast with to catch up with the tall people, you know?" nick laughs back at me after he finally catches his breath. "no, because i'm not a midget." i punch him in the arm as he laughs even louder. man, this kid is such an ass but he is so fucking cute. today he's wearing an odd future pink tee with the donut logo on the left shoulder. with it he has khaki cargo shorts (oh man) and black and white converse. for some reason, his eyes look extra green today, and his stache is more prominent. "bella. you're staring." he snaps his fingers in my face. fuck. "i'm so sorry, i'm so exhausted from today." he just nods, motioning me to walk with him down the stairs. it's already 3:14 and i have to be home by 3:30. "i get it. i'm sure it was a lot to take in. but if you're tired i'll just ask this question another time." he eyes me while we continue walking, but i catch his gaze. 

"what were you gonna ask?" 

"don't worry about it."

"nick don't be an ass."

"ass is my middle name."

"come ON just tell me!"

"you said you were tired so it doesn't matter."

"nick please i would do anything."

he stops walking. we are at the top of my street and i didn't realize, and i look at him. he's looking down at me with annoyance but with a sense of eagerness. "we're by my house," i say. he nods, continuing to stare. "i know. you're my neighbor." 


"what?" nick nods to the house acrossed the street from me. "i saw you guys move in. then i saw you at school. i was gonna walk you home the first day but, you know how things turned out." i nod, staring at my shoes, which happened to be the same as his. but i would NEVER wear cargo shorts. they were ripped denim, and the shirt was a white nirvana tee. edgy yeah, but i actually like the band. and dave grohl was cute. "are you gonna tell me what you were gonna ask?" nick pushed my shoulder and laughed. "you're eager aren't ya? i was just gonna ask if you wanted to hang out with me and the guys later tonight. but if you're tired it's no pressure." my heart sped up a bit. hanging out with them? finally outside of school? AND being asked by nick?! holy shit. "oh. yes, i totally would love to. uhm, when would i need to be ready?" nick looks at his phone and shrugs. "we were gonna hang out around 8:30 so be ready around 8:15. i have a car so i'll meet outside of my house around then, yeah?" i nod. "why do you have a car but don't drive it to school?" "because i think it's a waste of gas." fair enough.

as we are walking our seperate ways to our houses, nick yells at me from acrossed the street. "did you ever read that note i gave you in english class?" i turn around as i'm about to open my front door. thank GOD my parents aren't home. "no! should i?!" he shrugs. "open it when you get inside. then text me." with that, he opens his door, leaving me there to wonder. i unlock my door and run up the stairs. i matrix-kick my door down and dig in my bra to find the slightly-sweaty but still there piece of paper. as i throw myself on the bed, i start to rapidly unfold the note, phone next to my pillow ready to text nick. after the eleventh time of unfolding the paper, it finally was fully open.

in the middle of the page, in slightly crooked but otherwise neat handwriting, were 6 words in somewhat big font. words that made me stop breathing. made my hands shake, my nose run, my mouth go dry. words, that with three days of knowing those boys and this stupid fucking kid, made me surprised.

do u wanna go out sometime?

hello!! kind of a filler but i think it's about time we get that relationship part going. what do you think is gonna happen? what SHOULD happen? let me know down in the comments. love you guys!


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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