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Bakuguo pov
Today is my first day at UA I'm going to be a hero I put on my uniform and run slowly walk down stairs careful not to wake my parents I make it out successfully and start to walk to school I see the beautiful sun rise it's a beautiful baby pink I wish the sky was always this beautif... no bakuguo what are you thinking that's to girly you like fighting and mountain climbing not girly ass sun rises I stomped my way to my class avoiding everyone I sat in the far back of the class room and put my feet on my desk waiting for class to start when a blue haired man with weird hands started to lecture me about respecting school property "your a young man not a boy you should respect others property not put your feet all over it" I looked at him and In an aggressive tone i said "shut it extra go mind your own god Dam Business" then a man In a yellow bag stood in front of the class everyone sat down
"Hello I'm your teacher Shota Izawia And today we're starting off with a competition of straight the weakest will be expelled" i stoped listening when a red thing caught my eye it was a boys hair it was spiked up and bright red he had crimson eyes and his smile was mesmerizing his teeth were sharp and white
He looked very well built.........
'Fuck bakuguo that's gay you can't think that way you gross pig what would people think if they caught you checking out a guy'
I push that though away and focused no what izawia was saying
-time skip till lunch-
By lunch their was a crowd following me pink bitch (Mina) tape elbows(Sero)dunce face (Denki) and shitty hair(kirishima) they even started calling themselves the bakusquad fucking extras I escaped from them to the rooftop of the school I looked out at the sky it was perfectly blue not a single cloud and through a crack I the roof grew a small yellow flower seeing it made me smile I lo...... 'no'
I crushed the flower and continued to eat with and angry expression on my face then the wind blew slightly and one of my papers fell I looked back to garb it and a flash back hit me
/////FLASH BACK//////
"KATSUKI" my mother screamed at me from the kitchen I came to her as quickly as possible
"Yes" "WHY THE HELL IS THIS KITCHEN A MESS" "I'm sorry their the school papers I need you to sine "O ALL YOU EVER DO IN NEED NEED NEED YOUR SPOILED GIVE ME INE GOOD REASON I SHOULD SINE THEM O WAIT THERES NONE BECAUSE YOU DO NOTHING YOU WORTHLESS PICE OF SHIT" she threw the papers on the ground and slapped me across the face "NOW CLEAN THE UP YOU BUSTARD" I reached down to pick them up and she kicked me in the stomach
I felt a tear threaten to fall but I held it back and picked up the paper along with all my other stuff and headed back down to my next class
"Hey bakubro" shitty hair called to me I ignored him and kept walking he started to run and when he caught up to me he put his hand on my shoulder I got defensive and slapped his hand away "o sorry bro but i didn't see you in the cafeteria and they announced that we're moving into the dorms tomorrow" "ok whatever" I said in an angry tone and continued to walk away but that didn't stop the stupid red head from try to keep up with me and walk to class I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat
-time skip to after school-
I walked slowly home not really wanting to go their but I hand no choice the ten minute walk felt like just second I stepped in the house my dad heard me come In "katsuki where have you been all day" he asked sounding annoyed "at school sir" "why are you waisting time in school when you could get a job and finally have some purpose around here" I ignored him which was a bad idea he got up and grabbed me by the neck "ANCWER WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU" "sorry sir" he threw me to the floor and kicked me several times blood started to come out my mouth "your weak you can't even fight back your hardly even a man" he left and went back to his couch I got up quick and escaped to my room I packed quickly so I could leave early tomorrow so I wouldn't have to see my parents But as I was packed I saw a small shiny blade I picked it up and for some reason I put it to my skin I cut once I felt relief then thought 'you deserve to be in pain you gay whore' I cut a few more times 'your a pathetic excuse for a man'
'You will never be a hero' 'your fat' 'your ugly' 'you can't protect yourself how will you protect others' i looked at my arms and the were covered in cuts you couldn't see a single clear space of skin on both of my arms 'pathetic trash you have resorted to cutting that's the lowest of low I thought to myself I rapped my arms quickly and looked in the mirror I cannot stand to look at myself I'm such a disappointment I layed in bed and started to cry 'stop this crying is weak" I wiped away my tears i then grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills I took 4 and within 10 minutes I was finally asleep but not even in my sleep can I be relaxed no because I have constant nightmares they always end the same and if I told you that even you would hate me too

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