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Bakuguo P.o.v
I woke up at 6:00 am exactly and grabbed my bags I slowly walked out of the house and speed walked to the school making sure to keep an angry expression I got into the schools and went to the office where the girl gave me my dorm room location and key I didn't thank her I just kept walking when pink bitch showed up out of no where
"Hey bakuBro" "What" i Said In an angry voice
"Hey what room did you get" she looked at the paper in my hand cool 204 right next to Kiri" I rolled my eyes as more of the rest of bakuguo squad started to follow me I ignored most of what they were talking about "Hey bakubro you weren't their but the teachers said we have school off for the next week" Denki said I ignored him as soon as we got to my room i unlocked it and went in shutting them out "o come on bakuguo don't you want help unpacking" "no fuck off you extras" I screamed at them they then wondered away from my door I flopped on my bed and looked at the ceiling what I saw shocked me their was a poster of a naked man above me I blushed hard then ripped it down and burned it in my trash can 'gosh the guy in here before me was a perv'
I started to put things away 'why did I blush when I saw that I'm not gay because gays are sluts freaks of nature that should just go take swan dives of roofs' I went into the bathroom to put more stuff away I opened the medicine cabinet and their was a box of condoms I rolled my eyes and just continued to put stuff away I then flopped on my bed and relaxed a little you could still see the tape on the ceiling but I was to lazy to pick it off wen my phone buzzed I looked at it it was an unknown text I opened it
Pinky: hey guys I made a group chat by the way it's Mina
Rockman: ok cool
Pikachu:  ok
Tape: mkay
Bakubro: fuck off
They continued to blow up my phone with texts I just ignored them
I sat in bed looking at the ceiling bored out of my mind when I started to think 'everyone hates you' 'your weak' 'you don't deserve to be in this school' 'you should just go die' 'your worthless you have no purpose' 'your fat and ugly' I grabbed the blade from my bag and because their was no space on my arms I cut my legs tears threatened to fall 'no crying I weak stop that' but I couldn't control it I started to cry I held my legs to my chest  'this is pathetic you have no reason to cry people are dying and your just wasting time being pathetic
I rapped my legs still cry and changed my clothes because the ones I were wearing were covered in blood I looked at my phone again
Pinky: hey guys wanna go to a party tonight
Tape: yea
Pikachu: sure
Rockman: yea sounds fun you gunna go bakuguo
Bakubro: no
Pinky: oooo come on your no fun
Bakubro: still no
Pikachu: come on bro their will be hot girls their
Bakubro: no
Tape: their will be hot guys too
Bakubro: Ew fuck no
Pinky: well to bad we're gunna make you go away
Bakubro: no 
I put my phone down 'did they really just think I was gay how fucking gross
(Time skip)
How the fuck did they get me here I thought as I was sitting on a couch drinking straight vodka the a girl with brown hair flopped down next to me 
"Heyyyyy your bbb bakuguo right" she slurred her words drunk obviously "yes" "o well I'm Urakau" she held out her hand for me to shake it I did she blushed then disappeared to go dance then the squad showed up again and started giving me drinks so I to was drunk to the point I wouldn't remember anything but a lot still happened "hay bakubro let's play pool" shitty hair said "sure fuck face prepare to lose" I grabbed a pool stick and hit the first shot "I'm stripes" I said then shitty hair took his turn and missed the I went and got 3 of mine in "hey your really good" Urakau said  "thanks" I continued to play the game "ha bakuguo does know how to take a compliment" pinky laughed I just gave her the finger and took another shot I won the game obviously then pinky asked me to flat fear pong I said yes because well I was drunk (fear pong is beer pong but every cup has a dare on it) Mina shot the first shot and missed I got her cup on the first try it said tell an embarrassing secret "one time i had a boy friend who was a twin I kissed his brother" she said and people laughed she then shot at my cups again and got one my cup just said strip so I did everyone started cheering I was in nothing but boxers I then threw and got one of Minas cups again it said let your appoint strip you so I stripped Mina tell she was just in he underwear Urakau missed my cup I missed hers she then got one of mine it said make out with a stranger Mina pulled a stranger from the crowd I made out with her for about 30 seconds then went back to the game I obviously won "ha I win" I said in Minas face she looked grouchy "not next time" she flipped me off next thing I knew I was in the pool with like 20 other people Urakau swam up next to me "hey" I said "um hi" she said then started to kiss me and because I was drunk my dumb ass kissed back this kiss was long it lasted a few minutes till I heard shitty hair calling me I broke they kissed and waved by she looked mad I ignored it and went to kirishima "where were you he asked laughing"
"Making out with some chick in the pool" he laughed at me he then gave me another drink and took me inside we're the rest of the squad was "o you found him" Mina said "yea he was one step before third base" I sat down next to Mina and kirishima "here try this" Mina passed me a joint I took a huge it and passed it to Kiri "see its not your first time" Sero joked I just laughed at him the suddenly everyone was dancing and I was to but with some huge dude I didn't think I was to drunk the tall muscular man was grinding on me and I did the same back no one paid attention to what we were doing then me Mina Denki and a girl name Mimi ended up stripping on the kitchen island we looked like a bunch of strippers people started throwing money I just laughed "hey I'll give someone a 100 dollars to give some one a lap dance my hand shot in the air "Mina gave me a weird look "100$ is a 100$" I jumped down and started giving someone a lap dance
Then all suddenly I was waking up in my room

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