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I woke up with a bad headache I opened my phone and texted the group
Bakuhoe: what the hell happed last night
Pinky:/explains everything/
Bakuhoe: fuck
I threw my phone on the bed and looked in the mirror 'you whore' I punched the glass it shattered I took a shower trying to forget what Mina told me I got out and got dressed I looked a the door and saw a letter on the floor I picked it up
Hey last night was fun I like you do you think we could go out some time
-Urakau XOXO
shit I grabbed a pice of paper and quickly wrote no sorry I was drunk I don't feel the same way and quickly went and slipped it under her door going back to my room avoiding everyone why the fuck did I let myself get that drunk
Pinky:hey Bakuhoe
Bakuhoe: what and quit calling me that
Pinky: no and I may have forgotten to tell you that you got a tattoo
Bakuhoe: what the fuck where ??
Pinky: your lip
I rushed to the bathroom and pulled my lip down And looked in what was left of the mirror it said pussy what the actual fuck I'm never getting drunk again
Tape: o ya we got matching bro
Bakuhoe: why did you guys let this happen
Denki: wait has anyone texted Kiri since he left with that guy last night?
Pinky: yea he said that he looked tough but was a total bottom then he went home
Bakuhoe: the fuck is wrong with you people
Rockhard: yea that guy was little
Bakuhoe: Ew
I put my phone down he's gay that's disgusting I can't believe he would just sleep with some strange guy
Rockhard: fuck you homophobe or should I say  hypocrite
Bakuhoe: O what is that supposed to mean
Rockhard: ask anyone you were dancing all over some random ass dude then gave another a lap dance
Bakuhoe: I was fucking drunk I'm not gay that's fucking gross
Rockhard:yea sure
I turned of my phone and paused notifications
That fucking ass hole in not gay 'sure keep telling yourself that' a voice in my head said I'm not 'name one time you felt attracted to a girl' ummmmm 'see exactly you never have and you can't tell me that you haven't been checking out guys' but being gay is wrong
"Hi"  my best friend Mel ran up to me "hi" I waved to him he looked at me "I like your shirt" I was wearing my favorite pink long sleeve shirt and overalls that had sunflowers embroidered on the "thank you" "hey kat can I tell you something" "Yea anything" I smiled at him then he kissed me "I like you" he rubbed the back of his head shyly my dad came storming over he dragged me home and beat me almost to death I remember one thing he said that stuck out "you act like some sort of trans person it's disgusting I raised a boy" he said that before I blacked out
///back to real time/////
What's a trans person I thought to myself I grabbed my phone ignoring the ground chat
Trans- some one who doesn't identify as their born gender
I googled symptoms of being trans and got gender dysphoria
What's that I googled it
Gender dysphoria- the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.
I spent the rest of the day researching it I found that their are people who can identify as a they/them that they don't have to fit into boy or girl every thing I read said it was ok I found theirs an entire lgbtq+ community but I  also read that people aren't accepted I continued to read and read about it and I found that I feel most comfortable with they/them pronouns but people don't accept people like that 'why can't you be normal' I thought 'why are you so pathetic trying to tell yourself that it's ok it's not your a disgusting pice of garbage' I cleared my history and flopped back no my bed 'everyone hates you if they find out they will hate you more' I grabbed the sharp shiny object from its hiding spot and cut deeper into old cuts as well as making new ones when I herd a nock at my door I quickly rapped my arms and opened the door "you stoped looking at the texts so I came over" Mina stood at my door she pushed her way in "sit now" she said angry I did as she said "now I don't know who put it in your head but being gay isn't wrong and it's not even a choice" "I..." I try to speak "on keep listening" "kirishimas has just excepted himself and I'm not gunna let you hurt him" "my father caught me once when I was young I didn't know what was wrong but I got the shit beat out of me that night" she sat their and stared at me blankly of a moment "Well" she said but couldn't find words "I'm gunna tell you something but if you say anything to anyone ever I will kill you" "ok" "Mina when I was younger I enjoyed playing with dolls and wearing pink no one cared when I was little because I was just a kid but as I got older I leaned fast that being that way wasn't right so I built a mental and pretend I was normal but of corse because I'm a fuck up my parents saw though and well we will just say their not the best people" Mina hugged me "I'm sorry people did that to you but it's been years the world has changed a ton of people are excepted now their a very few who are still judging but you can't let that hold you back from being you"

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