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Bakuguo pov
I woke up sweating the room around me spinning I saw two eyes staring at me then the eyes came closer I didn't move I was two afraid the dark figure pulled out a small blade and unwrapped my arm bandages "who are you" "I am you" it cut me "your worthless" "waste of space" another cut "fat" another cut the figure kept telling me things true things and with every insult it cut me I started to cry my skin burned and blood gushed out then everything went blank

I woke up and screamed it was now light out seconds after I screamed kirishima broke into my room he saw me covered in blood and shut the door and ran over to me he rapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest his once white shirt was now covered in my blood
"I'm sorry Kiri" "bakuguo why" "I i I d don't k k know" he hugged me tighter I cried into his chest he got up and grabbed bandages and pain killers from the bathroom he came and started to rap my arms "explain please" he asked "I i um I must have done it when I was dreaming I had a bad dream" "you don't just slice your arms in your sleep please bakuguo tell me the truth" " I hate being me Kirishima I don't wanna do this anymore.....
It's to much I won't ever be good enough theirs no point in trying anymore...
Even the voices agree I'm useless"
"Bakuguo you aren't useless you are the perfect you"
"If this is the perfect me than this world is playing some cruel joke look at me I'm a disgusting pig I will never be a hero"
"Bakuguo that's not what I meant what I was trying to say is that everyone has their up and downs you will get better and the fun out going bakuguo I know well he's perfect but that person you pretend to be that isn't you that's just the wall you put up to protect yourself and you have made that wall so strong your just stuck inside you just need to break out of that prison you made yourself"
"But I I'm scared" "I know but sometimes you just have to face your fears" he helped me clean my room up and get new sheets "please bakuguo if you need me call me I'm just 10 feet away" "ok" I said quietly as he left
I looked at my phone and saw a text from sho
Shoto: hey
Katsuki: hi 👋
Shoto: how are you
Katsuki: I'm a little bored
Shoto: how about you come watch movies in my dorm will that cure your boredom
Katsuki: Yea sounds fun be there in a few
Shoto: see you then kat
Katsuki: see you soon sho
I put my phone down and looked for an outfit I whore a pink hoodie women's jean shorts and long black socks I slipped on my White House slippers and grabbed my phone and dorm key I started to walk to sho's dorm I went in the elevator when inside their was a girl from class 1B "hey I haven't seen you around what's your name" "bakuguo" "nice to meet you Mis. Bakuguo im Shiozaki" "o hello but I'm a guy" "what you look so feminine and your wearing pink" "Yea" I looked at the ground "your a guy you should dress like one it's gross to see people like you do you even deserve to be in UA" I was almost to tears when the door opened I sped walked to sho's dorm I nocked
Shoto pov
I opened the door to see Katsuki cry he came in and I hugged him "what's wrong" "a a g g girl I I in the el elevator she she" he mumbled I patted his back "it's ok don't listen to them their no good" he hugged tighter "how about we watch a movie I have Netflix you can pick something out" I brought him over to my bed and sat down I gave him the remote as I held him in my arms he was still a bit upset he scrolled threw the movies "how about this one" he asked he had picked out the movie 50 first dates "sure" I smiled at him he pressed play I threw a blanket on us and he cuddled in closer to me for most of the day we sat and watched Adam Sandler movies "I didn't know you were a fan of Adam Sandler" "when I was little me and my dad watched his movies, we bonded over them" I smiled at him "wanna go get some lunch" "sure" he smiled we got up and went down stairs he sat on the counter as I cooked I was making us soba Urakau's walked in "he guys" she smiled at me "hello" I said back "so I heard that you to are together" I looked at sho he nodded slightly "yea" I rubbed the back of my head shyly "how cute" she smiled and bounced off back to where she came form
We ate the soba and went back to my dorm he soon fell asleep on my bed his hoodie had ridden up and you could see how short his shorts were you could almost see his butt they are so short and his you could also see his tiny waste it's so small i felt myself start to get hard I look away from him and press play on the movie not letting my mind wonder I sat against the bed I let my head fall back on the bed I looked at the ceiling and fell asleep
In todrookies dream
Bakuguo was in thigh high white socks and white lace thong and bra with pink ascents he smiled at me and walked over I was sitting on a chair he sat on my lap and kissed me softly "sho" he whispered in my ear he then went down on his knees and started to unzip my pants he looked up at me
I woke up and looked at the clock it was about midnight bakuguo was still asleep I layed my head back again and felt him twist my hair with his finger "sorry if I woke you" "it's ok sho you should come up here sleeping on the floor isn't good for your back" "ok kat" I got up and katsuki moved slightly I layed down and rapped my arms around him he cuddled in closer soon he was asleep again then I fell asleep

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