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Bakuguo pov
Kirishima took me back to the room he hugged me and asked for forgiveness i said nothing but that visibly was making him mad he grabbed my face and made me look at him "I'm getting sick and tired of being nice I've tried for 3 years now tell me why can't you just love me" he asked "kirishima you shot and killed the man I loved then kidnaped me kept me in an underground bunker for three years and expect me just to fall at your feet I miss the kirishima that had a bright smile and comforted me when I needed it I could have fallen for him but you I don't even know you"
He smiled "fine" everything went black I woke up in a car kirishima looked at me and continued to drive for about 30 minutes we got out he gave me a bag "I've tried but I give up" he said tears in his eyes he nocked on the door to the house we parked out front of "good luck" he got in the car a drove away fast
A woman opened the door she had all white hair
"Hey mom who's here" a man call from farther in the house
"I don't know it's a small skinny blonde boy"
The tall male aproched the door I saw his multi color hair and I fell to the floor crying the man looked at my face and his expression fell "I told him not to bring you back" my face went blank after all this time he didn't even wanna see me
"What?" "Legoshi you can't keep coming here" "Legoshi?" "Come on stop doing that just because you look like him doesn't mean you can play this game" "what game" "quit" "Shoto I'm not Legoshi I'm katsuki don't your remember" "really your gunna keep up with this act then prove it" I held my hand up the bracelet that he got me was on my wrist "where did you get the" "ive been living in a basement for the past three years just believe me please and how the hell are you alive"
"It's really ........ it you" he stared to cry he went on to his knees and hugged me he smelled me and hugged me harder "I've missed you so much I've looked for years I couldn't find you" "I missed you too but please tell how how are you alive" he sat me back a little to face me "Izawa found me the bullet had just barely missed my heart I was in and out of surgery's for a long time I became a in the dark hero and have been looking for you everywhere" "kirishima kidnapped me he's with the lov he kept me in a basement room for a long time to survive I did bad things he did unforgivable things to me" "I'm just glad he let you go" "Yea" I held on to him tightly he hugged back my mind flashed back to things I didn't want to remember I thought of the first time I had sex with kirishima he had drugged me and convinced me that we were in love but the other times he just would hurt me if I tried to fight back I gave in for a while tho I just prayed someone would kill me
"Would you like to come inside" he asked I was hesitant I was afraid to walk in "it's ok your safe" he put out his hand I know that he won't hurt me buy some gut feeling says that I shouldn't go in I ignore it and step into the house the door closes behind me I feel panic but try to stay calm "would you like some water" "s sure" I struggled to speak the room was spinning every bone in my body told me to leave but I didn't Shoto sat me on the couch everything felt wrong I turned to look at the door it looked exactly like the one in the basement I turned to sho and he was kirishima I looked down and the couch was the bed from the room then the walls looked the same I panicked more but kept quiet I was afraid kirishima put his hand on my shoulder I shook in fear he smiled at me then leaned in I sat still as a board but as soon as kirishimas lips made contact with mine everything melted away I felt safe I opened my eyes again and it wasn't Kirishima I was sho and he wasn't kissing me he was sitting across from me and asked "are you ok" "no" I started to shake in fear he came over and hugged me he held me till I calmed down "I'm sorry I kissed you" he said "it's fine I just was panicking" I looked him in the eyes "I've missed you so much sho" I kissed him slowly and passionately we parted to breathe "I love you" "I love you too" I finished felt safe to bad I had to wake up
I woke up in the room in the basement it was extremely cold I felt dizzy I looked around every was the same except the door it had the window covered and a slot that opens and closes from the outside
Three months passed food came regularly from the slot in the door but every day I felt weaker some one day I just didn't have the energy to get up a week went by I never left the bed unless necessary like the bathroom but food I could survive without food another week went by I moved even less and another week I didn't move at all another week my body was in pain the room was cold the food stoped coming because I didn't eat anyway the room smelled weird every day but whatever I know it won't be much longer till I'm bead I can feel my body giving up already this time next week I'll be gone
Kirishimas pov
It's been super hard to watch him get weaker but it's all part of the plan feed him the poison till he's two week to eat give him the poison threw gas till he's on his death bed then give him the special drug he will loose his memory and I can make him fall in love the old fashioned way

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