11. sick or not

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*Jeon Pov*

"jk sorry if i didn't convince feli to come with us tonight" she lowered her head

"it's okay shaun" i smiled "don't worry about it"

"jk tell us what's your condition?" yoongi asked


"nothing? What.. What do you mean by nothing?" baek said

"nothing... I mean i'm healthy"

"healthy?  Then what are we doing here?" shaun asked

"oh.. That day when feli and i...uhh..."

"can you do it again?"

while we are having a staring contest "feli" i whispered when she didn't move

"why?" she asked

"please" i pulled her hand to touch my eyebrow again, i close my eyes as i feel her touch

"jk?" someone tapped my shoulder

"oh?" i opened my eyes and saw them staring at me "ah. Haha sorry i just remember something"

"something or someone?" yoongi teased him

"don't tell me You're only here because of that beautiful nurse?" baek said

I smiled to them as an answer that nurse is my cousin, she's from the states, feli and nikka are friends since then, she just came back weeks ago

"oh no.. Yoongi maybe this bunny--" shaun walked closer to him and "ouch" she hit his arm "why did you hit me?" baek asked

"because you're talking nonsense" she raise her brow to him

"okay fine" he acted like zipping his lips

"and you" shaun pointed yoongi

"me?" pointed himself

"yes you... I don't like that smirk" shaun said

"i don't give uh--"

"shit" shaun finish his sentence

"hey stop it...you better go home" i said to them "shoooo go now.. Go"

"i'll tell her You're dying" yoongi said
Before they leave

I sighed. "does she never feel anything?" i thought to myself "i'm losing my hope baby, i missed you....."


"i'm losing my hope baby, i missed you.....so much" that's what i heard before he started to cry

It's that really him? Why is he crying? Who make him cried?  "it's a bad idea to come inside in this situation.... right... I should leave now"

"excuse me" I turned around and someone hugged me

"i'm about to push her "please stay, you look like my sister i just wanna feel her hug right now" my hands automatically tapped her back and she started to cry more

"shhh... I know your sister missed you too, and maybe soon she'll comeback" i told her to comfort her

She pulled away "i hope it will be soon" she hold my hand and smiled "thank you"

"uh.. You're welcome? Can i go now?" she nodded

"bye..  Take care"

"thanks.. You too" i started to walk

"it's weird.. Do i have a lot of look-a-like?" i thought to myself

I'm waiting for Mr. Lee when my phone started to ring. Shaun is calling.

"hi shaun"

"hello babe where are you?" she asked

"i'm outside the hospital where jeon is--"

"WHAT?  I thought you wouldn't come" she cut me off

"aish hey lower your voice, actually i didn't see him, before i go to his room someone pulled me into hugged and cried,  after that i decided to go home it's already 11pm i will comeback tomorrow night" i explained

"oh okay, by the way i can't go with you i have alot of things to do tomorrow night"

"but tomorrow is saturday, shaun you said we will have pajama party? Remember that?"

"oh.... Ofcourse i did.. Then you can go straight here after you visit him or sunday morning" i heard she giggle

"and now you wll gonna leave me alone"

"no babe... Uhm.. You need to talk to him right, say sorry or somethin for being not so nice to him, remember?"

"yah right...i'll hung up now Mr.  Lee is here, see you tom--" before i can say goodbye she already ended the call
"aiah..  That girl"

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