27. Give him what he deserves

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"baby" jeon whined

"yes babe?" i didn't looked at him

"baby, hmmp.. Can you please stop talking to yoongi?" aish i smell jaelousy

"babe.. I wanna help him that's all, if you want you can go with me"

"i don't.." he cross his arms above his chest

"okay.. Hmm" i said,

"we're here" Uncle lee speak

"thanks uncle, see you later" jk went outside the car without saying anything "sorry"

"it's fine.. You just need to be patient with him haha" he laughed at me

"FELICITY.... FASTER" he shouted

"baby.. You go first i wanna talk to yoongi"

"hmmp" he walk faster

"sometimes i just want to lock you inside our closet" i whispered to myself

Where is yoongi? I looked around the cafeteria oh there he is

"hi yoongi" i said sweetly

"what do you want?"

"your car keys" i replied

He raised his eyebrow "the hell should i give you?"

"because you lose"


"the bet... You... And jake"

"oh... Did i? How did you know? Did he tell you?"

"no.. You and baek are talking about it, and it's a coincident that i'm walking around and accidentally heard everything" i smirk and lend my hand to him


"yea. You need proof?"

He looked at me in surprise "you really want me to watch you and jk...doing things.... Like ugh,  you're unbelievable" he stand up

"give him what he deserves, 5pm after class, front gate..bye"

"damn it"

"you don't know me yet, yoongi... Be a man of words"

"fine.. Fine get lost"

"you need to say goodbye to your car,  i promise to talk to your dad after this"


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