Calvary-...Wait, What Happened?

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In the calvary battle, we had different point values depending on our placement in the race. We were given the option of forming teams of two to four people. All our points would be added up and that's how much we're worth. The teams' rider will have to try and snatches the competitors headbands to raise their score. Even if our headbands are stolen, we can continue on until the time was up. That's reassuring and understandable, I guess.

I walk over to Bakugo to but, there was all ready a crowd trying to team up with him. I'm guessing I'll have to find someone else. I looked around then I bumped into someone. It was that purple haired student from general studies.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No, it's alright," he softly, said. "It's nice to know that not all 1A students are jerks. Unlike that Bakugo kid."

What did he mean by that? Sure, he's a hothead but, he's more determined than anyone here to become a hero.

"He's got a powerful quirk. But with that much pride and arrogance, not to mention his violent behavior, I don't think anyone's going to want a side kick that acts like a villain.."

That little!- "Hey, you take that back-..."

"Heh, I got you..."

Suddenly, I couldn't see anything. It was all dark. At first, my body couldn't move. When it did, I felt like I wasn't in control. Was this his quirk? I was being controlled, being used. I try to fight it,  but there was no hope. I could hear shouts and cries, loud noises and victorious laughter. The only voice I recognized among them was Bakugo...


I was settled with, Shitty hair, Elbows, and Raccoon eyes. I was originally planning to team up with (name), but she teamed up with that purple headed boy. I don't know why but, I'll talk with her later.

The calvary battle had started and I kept my eyes focused on Deku's team. I shoot myself into the sky, reaching for his headband. However, I'm blocked by that damn, shadow bird. Elbows caught my fall and suddenly, I feel my headband being yanked off. It was those B lister students.

"Your class is too small minded, think bigger," the blonde rider mocked.


"Oh, hey. You're kinda famous, aren't you," he smirked. "For being attacked by that sludge villain. You'll have to tell me about it some time. It must be strange to always find yourself in the role of the victim."

That damn. Little. Bitch! I'll kill him! Kirishima noticed my anger boiling within me and told me to calm down. What does he know?! I've never been calmer! The bastard's teammates advised him to not provoke me. Could they not see it was too late? The guy just chuckled lowly and added more fuel to my fire.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not very heroic of me. Besides, you know how these things work. Heroes are always being hounded by moronic villains, desperate for revenge. Makes me wonder why that cat girl always clings to someone like you."

I could feel my entire body fill with rage. He can say whatever he wants, as long as he keep my Furrball out of his GOD DAMN MOUTH! I order my team to charge forward as I'm ready to land a hit. I missed by an inch and I'm suddenly blasted in the face. I try again. This time, I hit him, but that did nothing.

"You both have impressive powers. But I think you'll agree mine's better."

So that's what is is. "Bastard. His quirk, he can copy other powers."

He smiled,"very good. So, even an idiot can figure it out."

Before my team could move forward, we're blocked my this cement-like substance. It gave those bastards a chance to get away as Kirishima's leg was stuck in the cement. As soon as we were free, our team charged for that copy cat. I jump of my team, getting ready to take back our points. Just as I was to, the front horse blew a wall made of glass air. But that wasn't enough to stop me. I punch through the wall and snatched two of their headbands. We were now advanced into third place. That still wasn't enough! I'm pulled back onto my team as they called me reckless.

"Warn us when you're about to jump, next time! That was too close!" Sero scolded.

"Whatever. At least, were advancing." Said Kirishima.

"Were not done!" I yelled,"we're gonna be the indisputable champions in the game! I couldn't brace myself earlier when I jumped. Get closer! We'll get our points back from this idiot! Then, go for the big one!"

Using their quirks, we were able to snatch their final headband. Now, we're at second place and going after Deku and Todoroki. I flew off my team, once again, over the ice to see them at it head-to-head. I glare between the two, realizing that Todoroki has the the one million.

"Damn it, Icy-Hot!"

I was so close to get the points, and then,"TIME'S UP!"


I'm suddenly back in control of my body. Light blinds my eyes as I try to comprehend what just happen. My memory was a blur and I was confused out of my mind. Looks the looks of it, the calvary battle was over. In first place was team Todoroki. Second, team Bakugo, I'm glad. Third was my team, team Shinso. And fourth, team Midoriya.

"Thanks for all your help.." smirked Shinso as he walked away.

"Wait," I grabbed his shoulder,"what did you do?" I growled. I wanted to punch this guy so hard yet, I had to keep my cool.

"I only helped you advance to the next round. Be grateful I let you have half of your control. Everything you did in front was base on your pure instinct. Enjoy your lunch, kitten..."

I stood there speechless and horrible feeling creeped up my spine. I might need to look out for this guy. At first, I thought he was a bit odd. Just some guy wanting to get into the hero course. He'll be a great hero with that power, for sure. But for now, I'll be cautious around him.

I walk to the cafeteria for lunch and ate privately in a different table. I couldn't find Bakugo anywhere, for some reason. But then, he took a seat next to me with his own tray of food. I could feel an odd tension coming from him. He was silent for a moment and then,

"What were you doing with him?"

It was so out of the blue, but I think I knew what was talking about. "You mean Shinso, don't you?" He nodded. "It was out of my control. I bumped into him, at first. Then, he started talking about how arrogant and violent you were and I couldn't take it." I answered. "Before I could defend you, I was brainwashed. I don't remember anything from the calvary battle up to the end. So, just know I had nothing to do with him. I'm sorry if I made you worry..."

"Whatever," he pat my head. "As long as you're still mine, I don't care. Also, you did great in the first two rounds, even though you weren't in control the second time."

I lean against him, wrapping my arms around his torso in a hug. "Thank you, Katsuki," I purred.

"W-whatever, Furball.."

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