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*After being found out by police, Rita and Lynn Sr. were arrested and charged for child abuse. A few days after that, they were taken to court.*

Judge Eric: I am ashamed and disgusted by the two of you! Kicking out a 5 year old, making her sleep in the basement, all of that horrible stuff! That is child abuse and that is just terrible!

Rita: Your honor, please let us explain....!

Judge Eric: I don't want to hear it! After what I've heard, I hear by sentence you and your husband to life in prison without parole! *Bangs gavel*

*Rita and Lynn Sr. were taken out of the room as Judge Eric had a stern look on his face.*

Judge Eric: As for you, Loud Sisters...!

Luan:*angry* Oh no! You're not putting the blame on us! They brainwashed us!

Judge Eric: And who's fault is that?!

Luan: Oh my God! ARE YOU ****ING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!? WE WERE MANIPULATED AND YOU'RE STILL BLAMING US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! IS EVERYONE ELSE IN TOWN DUMB?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


*Luan said nothing*

Judge Eric: Now then, you girls should've said no to kicking Lisa out, but instead, you said yes! Meaning you take full responsibility for your actions!

Lori: Yes, your honor!

Judge Eric: Next time you do that, you'll be next!

Luan: Oh sure! Drown us in prison!

Judge Eric: WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Luan: WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS STUPID TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*She then ran out of the courtroom in a huff while Lori ran after her. Lori went out and saw Luan sitting on the steps, talking to Pop Pop.*

Albert: Luan, I understand you're upset, but getting angry will only make it worse!

Luan: Judge Eric wasn't on our side at all! I'll bet you're not either!

Albert: No, I am! Honestly!

Luan: Doesn't sound like it!

Albert: Luan, please! Just listen to me!

*Luan didn't say anything. She just went to the van as Lori let out a sad sigh. Judge Eric came out, now feeling bad about what happened in the room.*

Judge Eric: Gee, I didn't know she was this upset!

Lori: Your honor, my little sister was trying to say that we were manipulated by our parents!

Judge Eric: Is that true?! *Lori nodded* Well, I think maybe we should both talk to your sister.

Albert: I'll go with you!

*They went to the van and saw Luan pouting. Judge Eric opened the door.*

Judge Eric: Ms. Loud, I understand that you were manipulated by your parents, but you still need to understand that it was still wrong to turn against your own sister! I know that you're furious with them, but taking your anger out on everyone won't help this situation! It will only make it worse!

Luan: Yes, your honor! And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for my outburst in the court room!

Judge Eric: That's okay, Ms. Loud! I understand!

Luan:*to Albert* I'm sorry, Pop Pop! I didn't mean to say those things to you!

Albert: That's okay, kiddo!

*Lincoln and Bobby came up*

Luan: I'm sorry I took my anger out on the both of you! Especially you, Lincoln! I didn't mean to slap you like that!

Lincoln: That's okay, sis! I understand!

Bobby: And besides, you were taking your anger out on us, and I understand!

Luan: Still, I shouldn't have blown up our street! I'll pay for the damages to it!

Judge Eric: It actually doesn't cost too much, Luan! It's just a little hole! We can always just patch it up!

To be continued....

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