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I don't own the song or video! It belongs to Bryan Adams and BryanAdamsVevo. This is the final chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

*Luan was packing her things as Soren came up.*

Soren: Well, I guess this is it, huh?!

Luan: Yeah...! I don't want to leave, but I have no choice! Besides, wherever I go, I'm always reminded of my stupid parents!

Soren: I hear you, Luan! I hear you! On the bright side, I'll be going to California with you!

Luan: I know! Oh, and Soren, thanks for being there for me!

Soren: My pleasure, Luan! And besides, you're my girlfriend and I love you!

Luan: I love you too, Soren!

*They kissed as Lori watched and smiled with tears in her eyes.*

Lori: My little sister is growing up so fast!

*I'm sorry to say, Lincoln went to his real parents. Apparently, Rita and Lynn Sr. had swapped babies. And Lisa went with him.*

Lincoln: I'm sorry I couldn't come with you guys, but....!

Luan: It's okay, Lincoln! I understand! And besides, it's their fault for swapping babies and it's just wrong! *just then, a taxi pulled in* Well, I guess this is goodbye!

Lincoln: I'm afraid so! *they hugged* I'll miss you guys!

Lori: Me too, Lincoln! Me too! And Lisa, keep being a genius!

Lisa: Thanks eldest sister unit.... I mean Lori! *they hugged*

*They hopped into the cab and they were off to the airport. When they got there, they checked in at the terminal, went through security, and boarded their flight. The plane took off. A few hours later, it landed in Jump City, California, where Terra was waiting.*

Terra: Lori!

Lori: Terra! *they hugged* It's so good to see you!

Terra: You too! *looks at Luan* Luan! You've gotten so big!

Luan: Thanks, Terra! Oh, this is Soren! He's my boyfriend!

Terra: Oh my gosh! Congratulations! *to Lori* Too bad Leni and the others can't be here, though!

Lori: Well, they had work and school, so Leni and the others are staying with Pop Pop so he can be their transportation.

*Terra smiled as they loaded their suitcases into Terra's 1984 Chevy Monte Carlo and got in. Terra drove away from the airport and took them to Titans Tower.*

The End

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