USJ Pt. 2

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I dashed over the mountains and into the air. I saw uncle taking down thugs only now he was breathing heavily. He's losing his stamina. I need to help him. Think Hachi think think THINK. I was interrupted by Asui's tongue pulling me out of the air. I landed softly in water with Midoriya and Mineta. We watched as uncle fought the villains. Then, the main villain charged him. Uncle Shouta deflected and landed a blow to the chest. But the bad guy grabbed his elbow and stopped him. He figured out his quirk. Uncle's hair fell and his elbow began to disintegrate slowly. He gasped in pain and so did I. Without thinking I charged to him "DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU BASTARD!" 

"MITSU! NO!" Uncle screamed. He elbowed the villain with his other arm and ducked and dodged the other villains. His arm was maimed.

I grabbed my brass knuckles from my belt and made contact with the blue-haired villains face. I froze him in place still falling and landed another solid blow. He impacted with the concrete at an alarming force breaking the ground beneath it. 

I ran over to Uncle who was fighting low-level thugs. I began to fight them with him until I was grabbed the blue-haired villain. "Mitsu huh? He called you honey, do you have a special affinity for this one Eraser?" He mocked. Did my blow do nothing to hurt him? Shit. Shit. 

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" He screamed. I was in shock. My body couldn't move. 

"I like her quirk. I guess she'll have to watch you die, then I will take her for myself." He cooed. he had his hands around my throat save one finger. He tightened his grip, Squeezing with anger, I was losing air and fast. I only made this worse. Suddenly the mute huge villain with his brain peeking out charged Uncle Shouta. His goggles flew and I saw his blood splatter as his head met the concrete. I began to sob profusely. Anger rose in my throat along with the tears. It burned deep in my soul. Rage, my old friend. The blue-haired villain played with my hair and brought his face close to the nape of my neck taunting my uncle. The big bird villain began to crush him. Breaking his bones. He screamed in pain calling my name. 

I let out a blood-curdling scream. I couldn't contain the rage any longer. I felt a weird sensation in my whole body. The rage bubbled over and suddenly everything was frozen. Everything. I was the only thing able to move. I pried the villain's hands off of me. I broke his fingers in the process. Well deserved. I had only ever done this once before when my parents died. I rushed over to Uncle Shouta. But I needed help. I couldn't get the big guy off of him alone. I ran over to the water's edge were Asui and them were. I grabbed Midoriya, Mineta, and Asui's hands. I took a deep breath and focused. They unfroze and blinked hard confused at what was happening around them. 

"I need your help. We have to get that thing off of him to save Un-- Aizawa Sensei. I can't do it alone. I don't know how much longer I can control this. We have to hurry." They nodded. 

"Your eyes! They're glowing so bright! Is everything frozen? I didn't know you could do that!" said Midoriya as he blinked aggressively. 

"Neither did I, now is not the time Midoriya. I don't know how long I can hold this." I said flatly, 

He looked at the situation "I have an idea Hachi," Midoriya said. After telling us, Asui took a running start. She kicked the beast as hard as she could while I ran over touching him, implementing the force rule. Midoriya grabbed Aizawa's torso in his hands ready to lift. Mineta ran over to the bird villain and stuck as many balls from his scalp as he could to his back and sides. This had to be perfect. 

"Okay, I am going to try releasing now." I took a breath and focused my energy. Everything was back into motion and within a split second, the Nomu was flying off into the distance. Midoriya was holding Uncle and running. Asui grabbed Mineta with her tongue and ran off. I took a fighting stance and prepared to fight the creep who choked me. The villain let out a scream "YOU INSOLENT CHILD! YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" he was clutching his hands. He charged at me. This was rare and my rage wasn't going to be pretty. I leaped at him to fight and ducked and dodged. I landed a few good hits into his chest. Close combat isn't his strong suit. He has a powerful quirk but no training. I was doing well for the time being. The warp villain came back telling him that Tenya got out of the facility for help. Thirteen was wounded. Shit. He began to stop fighting. Then the Nomu came from nowhere. Shit, I thought we took care of it. It blocked my path about to swing full force at me. I froze it with my quirk but then the decrepit hand that still had working fingers reached for me trying to dust me. I couldn't do anything to stop it. This is it. I'm going to die.

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