The Lord! Chapter One

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Once upon a time...there was a small town called Lightningville, a town full of magic, and wonders! The town was full of magical creatures, witches and warlocks, werewolves and cat people, and even Gods. Lightningville isn't the only place with magic, the whole land of Cosplaira is just as amazing as the rest of the town. But all lands have their down fall, and the land of Lightningville is no exception.

One faithful day, the lord of Lightningville was walking towards the flower garden, her loyal guard Kacey was walking with her.

"My Lady, why don't we head back home? We are far outside town limits.." Kacey said looking at her lord, Emerald.

"Kacey, we'll be find, trust me." Emerald replied to Kacey.

They continued to the garden, Emerald went and sat near the small pond.

"My lady-" Kacey said before she was cut off.

"Kacey, you know you can call me Emerald, we were friends before i was Lord, and are still friends after" Emerald said looking out in front of her.

"Yes my-Emerald..I was wondering..why don't you let any of the guards protect you?" She asked confused.

"I don't need to be protected, i'm a demi god, and a werewolf. I can protect myself" Emerald replied.

"But all you can do is heal, Emerald. Yes your strong and are good with a bow and sword, but your powers aren't useful in a fight"

Emerald stood up, and looked at Kacey, Kacey already new she was going to get lectured. Emerald was always up to give someone a pep talk, it was what she did best besides fighting.

"I don't need my powers to win a fight, yes that's true, but that doesn't mean i can't protect myself. We also don't know if healing is my only power, i might be able to fly, or make fireballs!" Emerald said excitedly. Kacey just rolled her eyes, thinking her lord was crazy.
"That's all your mother could do, besides flying I guess...How about I leave and we see how well you'll do" Kacey said jokingly.

"Alright, ill be back in an hour" Emerald said looking out at the sunset.

Kacey sighed. "Emerald, i can't leave you out here. What if you get injured?" Kacey asked.

"I'll be fine, I have my sword and my bow" Emerald said looking up at Kacey.

"Fine, just be back before nightfall, i'm not letting you get stuck out here with the LunarKnights."

LunarKnights are souls of the undead who are brought back to do the LunarLords bidding. The LunarLord is the ruler of the underworld, but hes trapped there. Trapped by Lady Serine, Emerald's mother.

Kacey had headed back to the town, feeling uneasy. Kacey was a LunarKnight as well, but she hadn't died and became one, she was born a LunarKnight because of her father, and was a witch on her mothers side.

Kacey had gone home, reading a book, hoping Emerald had gotten home safely. Not even an hour goes by when a loud knock is heard on Kacey's door.

"Who goes there?" She asked.

"Its Ally! The new guard!" The girl from outside yelled.

"Come in!" Kacey said standing up.

Ally came in, she was in a panic. "I have terrible news about Lady Emerald! Shes- Shes been taken!"

"Wh-what did you just say...?" Kacey said shakily really hoping she heard something wrong.

"Lady Emerald...she's been kidnapped...." Ally said looking down, it was her first day and something had already gone wrong.

" who?! How do we know she didn't get lost?!" Kacey asked frantically.

Ally pulled a note out of her pocket, and handed it to Kacey. Kacey took the note and opened it up, she read who it was signed by..

"Amy Linn..." Kacey said crushing the note.

"My cousin...?" Ally said quietly, hoping Kacey wouldn't hear her. Nobody needed to know that she was the daughter of a famous guard, and that her cousin was the daughter Lady Serine's Killer...

"We need to go find this idiot and teach her a lesson." Kacey said as her staff flew to her.

"Just us? We can't! We'll be killed for sure!" Ally said with no optimism.

"Not just us...Go get Paul." Kacey knew as long as Ally said Emerald was kidnapped, he'd come.

Ally headed out of the house and made her way over to Paul's house, and as Kacey suspected, Paul grabbed his sword and ran to the gate. Kacey was already there with three horses, her potion bag, staff, and sword.

"I'm guessing you know?" Kacey asked looking at Paul.

"We are missing our Lord Kacey. I was the first to know." Paul said, Ally shook her head as Kacey looked at her.

"Yeah, sure..Come on, we need to teach Amy a lesson.." Kacey said as she hopped on her horse.

Paul, and Ally did the same, heading out of town.

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