Ready For Some Fun, Wolfie? Chapter 9

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In the City..

"So you think that you can track her through where the portals last opened?' Kacey Stark asked.

"It should work, as long as nobody opened a portal besides them in the past few hours." Kacey Miller replied.

Kacey Stark help up a small device, it had many wires, a red dial, and a few colorful buttons.

"Its ready, Miller. This is just a prototype though, so if it doesn't work..i'm sorry. I can't always genius in one night." Stark said.

"Do it. I have faith." Miller replied, she had faith that she would find her best friend. 

Stark sighed and clicked a blue button, silence took over the lab. The two girls who shared the same face looked to each other in distress. Both girls slowly loosing hope begin to hear a faint beeping

"It actually worked! It worked!" Stark jumped in the air in excitement.

Stark looked back towards her friend, Miller had a confused look on her face.

"Oh..the machine can't give you the exact location, if you look up here you can see the most recent portal was opened a few miles outside the city. Its in a 50 mile radius in this area" Stark pointed to an area on a map in front of them. 

"At least thats something, thanks Stark, i owe you one." Miller said with a smile.

"You owe me nothing, go save Emerald."

Somewhere in the Forest

A portal with black stone surrounding a transparent, purple, void, opens in the middle of the forest. A women in crimson red and black armor walks out, her long red hair that used to always been in a ponytail was now cut short. Her usual black eyes were a deep red, and her ears and tail were both moving softly as stepped down out of the portal. She pulled out her sword, instead of it being a shiny emerald green, it was blood red. As the girl stood there, she remembered parts of who she used to be...the child shine that used to be in her eyes slowly disappeared as Lady Emerald disappeared from her mind. All she could think about was her new mission, kill the people she used to know as family..they just slowly became people who had done wrong.

Amy jumped through the portal, her armor was identical to Emerald.

"Ready for some funny, wolfie?" Amy asked, Emerald just looked at her with no emotion on her face. She just looked forward again and began walking.

"No sassy comment? Who is this new werewolf..?" Amy asked to herself, it was weird to see the one she despised for so long to be just..a machine..

Back in the City

Kacey Miller, Ally, and Paul grabbed their items and began heading out of the city. Kacey Stark waved them off from outside the tower, she was worried but knew everything was going to be okay.

As the trio walked, Paul looked over to Kacey.

"You know...i think this it for me" He said out of no where, he was looking down with a smile on his lips.

"Wh-what are you saying Paul?" Kacey asked.

"I think this might be the end of the line..If we are going to battle the Lunar Lord himself, there's no way we are all getting out of this with our lives." He replies.

"Paul-" Kacey was about to reassure him but she was cut off..

"Sadly, i don't think you'll even make it to Shad." Amy said from behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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