The Past... Chapter 3

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"I don't want them knowing my past Lauretta! They don't need to Emerald and I were pirates!" Kacey said loudly, but luckily no one could hear them.

"They'll have to find out eventually, Kacey. Was it that bad being a pirate that you-" Lauretta said before she was cut off.

"Lauretta! You know why i left! You broke my heart, you told me you were in love with my best friend!" Kacey turned away from Lauretta, and started heading to the door.

"Kacey...i'm sorry..i just.." Lauretta sighed.

"Just get us to the city so we can find Emerald." Kacey left the room, slamming the door behind her.

"So were you going to tell us you and Emerald were pirates?" Paul said standing outside the door.

"You don't need to know our past, Paul. It was a dark time for both of us." She said looking forward.

Seven years ago...

Kacey and Emerald were running through the forest, the two girls being only 13 had ran away from home because they were 'different'. As the werewolf and lunar knight ran through the forest they saw a giant body of water and sand in front of them. It was the ocean, looking out there were so many giant ships, they looked so magnificent...

"Look at those giant ships!" Young Emerald said running to the beach.

"I see them, lets go find someone who can maybe help us." Kacey replied as she walked by the trees. Emerald followed after her, running in the sand.

"Look, there's a building up ahead, maybe someone there can help us." Kacey commented looking at the wooden building in the distance.

"Do you think we should have stayed home? I miss my mom and dad.." Emerald said loosing her happy demeanor.

"Nobody understood us, Em..we are different. Nobody trusts us.." Kacey replied quietly.

Em nodded and continued to walk with Kacey. Inside the building, there were many people dancing around and being very loud.

"It's really loud Kacey..." Em said quietly covering her ears.

"I know..we'll be out of here soon, just stay close.." Kacey held Ems hand, she guided her through the room. As they wandered through the room, a girl a few years older then them, she was standing on a table yelling to people around her.

"Lets ask her!" Em said loudly, the girl turned to us.

"Ask me? Ask me what exactly?" The girl said jumping off the table.

"I'm sorry about her, its nothing-" Kacey tried to reply before Emerald cut her off.

"We need help trying to fit in!" Emerald said looking at the taller girl who had jumped off the table.

"Emerald. I'm sorry about her...but she isn't wrong. We ran away from home because we are different.." Kacey looked at Emerald.

"So you girls are on the run?" The girl asked. Emerald and Kacey nodded.

"Well would you girls like to join my crew? You can travel across the land with us, and go on amazing adventures. I'm captain Lauretta, the captain of the Pirates of Ellenshire!" The pirate Lauretta said.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" Emerald was excited.

"I guess, i have nothing better to do with my life" Kacey said quietly.

And just like that...the girls were part of the Pirates of Ellenshire. They stayed with the crew for three years, until Emerald got word of her fathers death...she needed to go back home to help her mother run the town. Emerald had left and gone back to Lightningville, Kacey stayed with the crew for another year. During that year..she fell in love with Captain Lauretta, but the captain didn't feel the same....

Kacey was heartbroken, she couldn't stay with the crew any longer. She left while the crew was out, and headed back to Lightningville to be reunited with her best friend...

Lauretta wasn't too happy about loosing two members of her crew. She wasn't angry but was upset, she saw the two girls as sister. With them both being gone, she felt like something was missing, but realized...she also broke a promise. On the first night setting out, she promised to always be there for the girls...she broke that promise when she broke Kacey's heart...

The Present...

"It's none of your business to be honest, it's a part of my past i'd rather not share anyways..." Kacey started walking towards the bedrooms.

She turned to face him. "I'm turning in for the night, watch Ally and make sure she doesn't drown." Kacey said as she headed to the sleep quarters.

Ally was leaning over the fence that made sure she didn't fall in. Of course the young girl didn't know how to swim, she had no one to teacher. Paul looked over at the young werewolf and sighed, Ally reminded him a lot of a younger Emerald.

"Ally, be careful...we don't want you falling over" He said, she got of the railing and smiled.

"Aw you care" She said giggling, he smiled at her.

"Come on, kid. Let's get some rest" He said, the girl nodded as both of them went into the sleeping quarters.

The Land of Cosplairia (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz