The BestFriend

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Jolene was sat on her small couch with a pile of blankets as wade wilson her best friend/nighbor burst into her apartment

"Hey bestie how you doin?!" He smiled jokeingly

Jolene rolled her eyes "chill out I got the info..."

He waved his hand telling her to go on.

She sighed "I'm nervous to find out the truth Wade there are three different options as to why I'm like this. "
She shakes her head "I'm just scared"
Wade sits next to her being uncharacteristically quiet

"Well no matter what it is I'm here for u Jojo" he smiled awkwardly
"Now! Let's make some roster strudel!!" He smiled

Jolene laughed running a hand through her hair
"Fine but don't eat mine this time!" She stood up and ran to her pantry pulling them out and throwing one to the merc with a mouth.

"To get your mind off this whole "who am I crap " I want to take you to the wayward sister agian " wade said poking her side

"Ok fine but you have to quit haveing weasel make blowjobs" I shake my head smiling
He groans
"Fine "
Wayward Girls ———————

Wade and Jolene walked out side meeting Dopinder in the taxi .
" who's the brunette? I thought  I was your Kirsten Dunst!"
"You still are she's my bestie though her names Jolene " Wade said to Dopinder

Jolene smiles and waved to the new friend in the front seat.
Wade leaned to your ear and whispered "careful he killed his crushes lover" Dopinder smiled to you waved

"Dumby I can't die an nither can you" she giggled to Wade
They pull up to wayward girls and go inside takeing seats at the bar.

"Hey weasel " Jolene smiles he nodded to her
Wade smiled and spoke "the usual and a Shirley temple"
Weasel smiled "ok my avocado friend"

Wade looked over to you "so you said there were multiple reasons you could be like this what are they?"

I speak softly "well there are three , I could simply be a mutant but it just doesn't seem right, I could be an original of a new race which I know sounds crazy but from what I know from my history and myth books I could be, and three I could be a soulmate keeper or someone's soulmate" I look up from my hands to wades face
He's loudly slurping his drink with his eyes wide open " soooo you might be an freaking awesome new race of me without cancer orrrrr you could be a soulmate or keeper" he smiled " damn girl!"

Jolene giggled " thanks wade but I won't know till I look at the files when I get home you can stay over while I look if you want , frozen is on tonight I know you like to make fun of Hans " he nodded to her

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might post another tonight :)

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