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Jaemin awakes to the face of a toddler sitting on his stomach. Chan smiles widely when he sees that Jaemin has woken up.

"Uncle Nana!" The baby claps happily, making the teenager laugh tiredly. He sits up and hugs the child in his arms as the little boy rambles on about how he loved fried rice with eggs and how he would eat it every saturday. Jaemin chuckles and looks around the fairly large bedroom. With the fact that Chan was here, Jaemin figured he was at Jeno's house. He yawns and lays back down, sighing tiredly. He didn't remember much, which is quite common for him during this time of the year. All he can recall is crying, talking about his sister and mom, and then kissing Jeno.

'Holy....Oh lord.' Jaemin groans and covers his eyes with his arm, blocking the figure of the baby and the ceiling light. Chan stops talking and gives a confused look to his Uncle Nana. The honey-haired teenager's face was blushing furiously, his cheeks and ears turning into roses at the strong peachy color that took over his face.

'If I'm at Jeno's house....then where's Jeno?' Jaemin was about to ask Chan where his real uncle was, hopefully being able to do it with his eyes still covered. But his thoughts stop when he hears a door open, and the padding of feet walking towards the bed.

"Uncle Nono, why is Uncle Nana's face red?" Chan looks between his two uncles curiously. Jaemin only blushes harder, damn that kid and his curious ass.

Jeno smirks, having a good idea of what Jaemin was thinking about. "I don't know Chan. Why don't you just ask him?" He pulls the baby into his lap and stares intensely at Jaemin's covered face.

The baby, discontent with Jaemin still covering his face, crawls out of Jeno's lap and moves back to sitting on Jaemin's stomach. He swiftly throws Jaemin's arm off his face, making the boy surprised at the 4 year-old's strength. His eyes shift between the smiling baby and the smirking Jeno. His face only grows redder.

"Stop staring at me."

"Why? I like looking at you." Jeno smiles cheekily, making Jaemin groan once more. He turns away from the baby and the teenager, hiding his face under the blankets. It was too damn early for Jeno to make him feel like this.

Jeno turns away from his crush towards his nephew, picking the boy up. "Chan, how about you go down and help your momma with lunch. I think me and Uncle Nana need to talk for a bit." The little boy nods, albeit hesitantly. He liked Uncle Nana. Pouting, Chan makes his way out of the room, somehow having the feeling that he needed to close the door.

Once the toddler was gone, Jeno looked to Jaemin, who was still lying away from him.



"Can you look at me? I won't do anything, I promise." Jeno reassures the still fragile boy. Slowly, Jaemin turns back around and sits up, the blush gone from his face. Jeno couldn't see it as well in the dark, but now that he had the chance, he saw how bad Jaemin really was. His eyes were still super bloodshot, and had heavy bags from sleepless nights. His cheeks had streaks of dried tears, making Jeno sigh softly.

"I would ask how you're feeling, but that seems a little insensitive. But I have no other way to phrase it, so how are you feeling?"

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