Chapter 8, work

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Not much Chaesoo in this chapter, trying to get in some sweet sweet character development.


Work. Grey walls, grey floors and grey blazers. Jisoo was completely submerged, it turned out that the phone call she missed was from the father of a boy she had apparently berated at Lisa's party, she was now doing everything in her power to keep him off her back. Jennie, naturally, was infuriated. Her usual work load was nearly doubled because of it and there was nothing that could be done.

They sat in Jisoo's office at their desks, going over and over the latest audit, bored by their textbook nature. Jennie was weirdly involved with this case.

"I reached out to some old high school friends," Jennie had told her, "They were drunk, but apparently they were there too."

Jisoo had to stifle a laugh, Jennie was far too susceptible to the lies of those children. Still, she knew they could be useful. She cleared her throat, "Do they have jobs?"

"No, they have dads."

"Useless then," Jisoo muttered, "The only reason we're having this problem is because the boy had ties to the company other than his father. It gave him connections that allow him to stir up hell for us.

Jennie nodded, unsure of how to answer. Jisoo glanced up at the girl, she had shown more promise than she originally anticipated, but was still highly inexperienced in many ways. Jisoo leaned back into her chair, "Jennie?"


"What do you hope to be doing in ten years?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie looked a little confused, "I don't understand..."

"... You're not going to be here with me," Jisoo interrupted, "So where do you want to be?"

Jennie took a moment, a moment Jisoo would usually decline. She thought back to her time with Rosie the previous evening, how she spoke freely with Jisoo's driver, how he seemed appreciative of it. She knew that Jennie was technically her employee, and was curious as to how this approach would work on her.

Eventually Jennie responded, "I want to be famous," Jisoo waited for her to continue, "I always liked being in performances as a kid, I wanted to make the office my stage," The girl let out a soft chuckle.

"Why are you here then?"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "You're talkative today, did you go on a date?"

Jisoo decided to not humour her with a response, she realised that the two had not had a proper conversation since Jennie started working there. She glanced over at Jennie, seeing the same bored expression that was always there. She could be famous, Jisoo thought.

"Jennie, you know, it would probably be in our best interest to just scare them off," Jisoo planted.

"How?" The girl did not look away from her computer screen.

"The press. If they were to get involved, and we said they were trying to take down the gala..."

Jennie seemed to understand where I was going, "Who do you want to talk to them?"

"You," Jisoo responded simply, " You're going to write a statement, gather the reporters in the lobby, and present it."

"Why me?" Jennie confronted.

Jisoo looked at her notes for the gala, "It needs to be someone close to me, if I were to do it myself they would only focus on my scandal from last year... to make it seem plausible, it has to be you."

Jennie nods, "...Okay then." Jisoo knew Jennie was uncomfortable with the topic of Jisoo's dating history.

"And Jennie?" Jisoo added, "Make sure that man child and his lawyer don't receive an invite."

Jennie smiled, "I'll see what Lisa thinks of that."

Taking a folder, Jennie got up and left the room, leaving Jisoo alone. A final glance at the all to familiar binder sealed Jisoo's fate to what was inside.

Carefully, Jisoo took out her gala notes and opened it up to reveal Rosie's sketches. She wondered if the girl ever wanted to be an artist: clearly, she had talent. Though rough in pencil, the pen that rested on top brought them to life with pinks and purples and greens. Jisoo, in a more childish moment, wondered if she could cut them out and stick them under her desk, where only she could see them; she knew she could not.

A buzz from her phone forced her to leave the world held within Rosie's sheets, and back to her office. Answering, Jisoo was greeted with Lisa's voice, "Hi, my lovely."

"What do you want Lisa," Jisoo retorted.

"Is it a crime to talk to my friend?" Lisa responded innocently.

Jisoo nearly smirked, "With that tone, you're up to something."

Lisa took a moment before responding, "I saw you play Prince Charming yesterday," Jisoo could practically hear the dancer's smile, "I was wondering where my flower got to."

"Rosie's fine," Jisoo confirmed.

"She's not my flower," Jisoo remained silent, allowing Lisa to prolong her torture, "I know I know, 'watch your tongue Lisa, I'm not delicate Lisa.' But, I haven't seen you like this before, do you often destroy connections with entire companies for your staff?"

"Enough Lisa, I'm probaby net even going to see her again." Jisoo retaliated, feeling some pain come with the words, "I just- I just didn't like seeing her with them."

"Oh, I am fully aware," Lisa laughed, "I was about to stop the group myself until I saw you glaring daggers into them," Jisoo had not words to say. Lisa's voice softened, "You know, it's alright to like her."

Uncomfortable, Jisoo cleared her throat, "The gala, have you sent out your invites?"

"Yes, I even accounted for your assistants strongly worded Email, this is going to be good."

"Very well," Jisoo hung up the phone before Lisa could respond, shooting her a text saying that she was about to enter a meeting. She had to admit, she was looking forward to the gala, though it was probably for the wrong reasons.

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