Chapter 2

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Ghoulish Eyes

"The eyes are the door to the soul. They are also the vessel of life's most beautiful commodities: joy, excitement, pleasure. On the opposite they also show the darkest and most primal of emotions: rage, lust, hunger. The balance of such is something entirely left to the individual."~Unknown

Begrudgingly he stirred awake the familiar charms of an alarm clock blaring out from beside his bed. Blue eyes opened with a stretch, no one was there to tell him to go to school but then again no one was there at all. Yato rolled body flopping to the floor tired even after a two hour nap.

'Can I even go outside?' Yato thought changing from t-shirt to school shirt and pajama bottoms to dress pants. This could be it for him, the life of a normal person slipping through the cracks as things slowly twist and turn away into a nightmare.

Thoughts of hunger and need filled his body but he resisted them, cooking was not something he was willing to do. The main reason being: it could quite possibly be one of their neighbors or one of his father's work friends.

'I'm a monster. No one will understand what I can do let alone accept me once they find out I'm a Ghoul,' he rolled his shoulders before tying the black necktie as per every morning since the beginning of the tenth grade, now he was in the eleventh.

The thought was quickly pounded from his head as the door to the empty house was punched rapidly. It did not break so they could not have been too serious about hurting him. He walked slowly to the door wiping a drool strand from hos mouth, the nap had been far more comfortable then he expected.

"Yo! Yato!" a voice was muffled coming through the door, it belonged to his best friend Tatsu. The fire-lit youth kept pounding away trying to get to his buddy but the door was solid oak so it was proving worthless." Hey man open up! You're going to be-" the door squeaked open, the hinges in need of a quick oiling.

"Late? We still have a few minutes to get there," Yato answered stepping out of the house dressed in the school uniform to the point while his friend had the shirt hanging out under the sports jacket. A smell crinkled his nose briefly it was so sweat but he could not track the cause of it down, it was human he knew that much.

"Hey bro how come your parents didn't answer the phone?" the brunette asked as they started to walk along the sidewalk. Tatsu was the kind of friend that if you were not somewhere he would not stop until he found you and that was the case here.

The Ghoul looked at the ground for a moment eyes blue and clear but thoughts anything but." They did not come home last night," he answered detached, knowing the reason. Beside him his friend's hands gripped tightly sending a shiver up his spine.

"Ghouls?" he looked up fire in his eyes. Tatsu was usually cool about Ghouls existing as long as they did not eat him or his friends.

"I don't know," Yato refused to tell him that it was the CCG. Tatsu would not have understood, he was too simply for that but man was he a great person to even go this far.' You'll see one day hopefully,' he mumbled internally as they continued to walk.

"Hey if those Ghouls come for you give them the old one-two and they'll learn," Tatsu cheered up the mood, by shadow boxing as they continued their stroll towards school.

"Thanks man," the blonde laughed as their shoes kicked up some of the loose dirt along the pathway. Students from around the ward were walking forward to their education, it was becoming blatantly clear however that Ghouls were picking some of them off one by one.

"Not trying to change the topic but have you ever worried if a Ghoul would get you on the way home from school? I mean we've lost ten students this year," even cheery the mood and risk of death, was getting too close to dangerous.

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