Chapter 7

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"Hey Yato there it is!" Tatsu cheered as they went through the streets. The walk had been so easy and clear not a single CCG Agent was even in range after they crossed into the Twentieth, opposite of the Eighteenth.

"Yeah alright give me a minute," Yato responded quickly. His wallet had been caught in the back ofh is jeans, a few yen coins fell to the ground it would not really matter anyway considering they were only heading in there for a cup of coffee.

'Why did I have to find an underground way in? Its facing a busy street and not a single CCG guy is around,' he pondered as they got closer to the small shop. On the outside nothing seemed different in fact through the large open windows one could see that things with in there was no hostility just friends, books, and coffee what more could one ask for.

"Hey, Yattori since you aren't busy with Nori care to look for your new girlfriend?" Tatsu mocked as they pushed through the door. No one even moved, for being a Ghoul's Cafe the reaction to a human walking in was mild.

A red blush quickly crossed the young Ghoul's face as his friend stared over the group." W-why would you bring that up?" he felt his voice crack and the embarrassment get even worst.

"Nothing really this place has some of the hottest waitresses in town. If you're lucky one may just take a shining to you," Tatsu laughed as they took a corner booth. The place was abuzz with little chit-chat that seemed to be among casual normal people.

"Sorry I'd rather focus on my studies first," Yato responded quickly pulling his jacket off and putting it along the back of the booth. His nose was crinkling every few seconds a smell kept hitting his senses that was stressing.' Ever single person here is a Ghoul. How can they blend in so well? Tatsu isn't in danger yet but still if we stick around one may take a chance,' his eyes narrowed as a blue haired waitress bowed and handed a cup of coffee away.

"Hello, what can I get you?" the same waitress asked, she was more frustrated now. She was waiting for a response from the two teen's before Tatsu spoke up.

"I'll take a frappe with three extra chocolate chips!" he smiled. His smile could have lit up the room if it had gotten the chance but it did not. Such a frilly order though was weird coming from a teenaged boy.

"E-excuse me?" she stuttered confused at the outburst for such a fussy drink. Yato just bowed his head and tapped the table as the awkwardness filled the air.

"He'll have a dark roast with two creams and one sugar. I'll take straight black," Yato stared up face sullen. The only reason he knew how to even say those orders were because his parents ordered the same thing except the one with cream and sugar was given to a beggar along the streets while they shared the dark roast.' She wasn't uncomfortable why was there so much awkwardness,' he wondered.

"O-oh, sure thing right away," she rushed away leaving the two teenager's to watch nothing more than each other.

"Well if you aren't the hipster when it comes to coffee," Tatsu quickly proclaimed. The brunette's hair had moved with the motion but it just made him look goofy when he said it." I mean so relaxed even though you never ordered coffee form a pretty girl before!" he laughed and joked until he say his friend's face.

"Those are the coffees my folks used to drink," Yato was far more grim about it. The location and the weird feeling he was picking up from the area around them was bad enough bringing his parent's into it was even worst.

"Dude, I-I'm-" Yato quickly quelled the sympathy speech. He had received it anytime his friends had screwed up and after three weeks of them it was getting more grating to hear them than helpful.

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