Chapter 5

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Three Blades and Aogiri

The man removed his mask which was pointed in three directions placing it on the table next to Yato's chair. He had a stretch of greenish-blue hair that dangled down around his shoulders in pseudo-spikes. His face was stern yet approachable, but his eyes instantly said stay away from me.

"You are back in the Eighteenth Yattori," the man sighed as the other, masked Ghouls took steps into the light, they too had the same three pointed mask as the friend of his father. He paused for a moment before strolling around the room staring at Yato and the blood currently drying along his face and clothes." And it appears for the best," he noted.

"What do you mean? Did I get attacked by the CCG?" he panicked trying to determine if he had been hurt. To his surprise nothing throbbed or ached in fact everything was warm. It was like drinking a cup of hot chocolate after coming in from a bitter winter day, he was full.

' Idiot. You know what he means don't you?' the darker half of his psyche laughed it was sinister.

'No,' his conscious in control half stated calmly, the humanity he had been trained to act too strong to resist.

'Don't play human you ate that rat-bastard right there in the streets,' the inner voice of his true self continued to growl.

This man with green-blue hair smiled taking a seat in an opposing stool body muscular even under the layers of dark clothing he had been wearing." No, you were however wandering the streets of the most dangerous Ward in the city with a kagune flailing about like a flag," something switched in the man's eyes.

"How many people did I hurt?" Yato took note of the change and quickly stared down at his shoes which now were marked with a bloody spatter. It was not his blood and by the pattern it was not the homeless person's either.

"Three. You ate three people," this 'friend' smiled darkly as if it was normal. His eyes switched to the dark red and black pattern of a hungry Ghoul and yet he was completely relaxed.

'T-Three? I ate three people,' Yato's mind was shifting darkly. Sights suddenly filled his consciousness, a woman scantily dress on a street corner one moment impaled and pinned to the ground the next. Another person appeared to a business man talking on his cell phone, a quick slash from an Ukaku kagune split his skull and dropped him to the ground like a sack of rocks.' I-I'm a monster.'

"Being a Ward like that though, most Ghouls don't head there just to snack. So tell Yattori what were you doing in the Fourth Ward?" he smirked noticing the uncomfortable look on the teenager's face. It was almost like that of a deer trapped in the headlights of a semi-truck, kind of adorable but also quite sad.

"I was looking for a way to the Twentieth," the blonde teenager mumbled softly looking down at the tiles on the floor their chessboard-like textures drawing him away. The man that was supposedly his father's friend held back a chuckle probably not hearing the statement clear enough." I was looking for a way into the Twentieth Ward!" he repeated louder.

The Ghoul across from him laughed now more fully." The Twentieth Ward? What are you planning on living with humans next? You are pathetic the only reason anyone goes to the Twentieth at our age is to get food for the weaker Ghouls if we cared enough for them. Your parents for example only went there for you. They enjoyed the vast bounty outside our windows here, in moderation of course," he laughed now loudly and mockingly the others remaining silent during this.

"And? I can't hunt people! If I was going for a free hand-out why couldn't I get one?" Yato was getting frustrated his eyes were staying black and red, confrontation was on his mind.' Of course now I can't head over there. I munched on three people last night and apparently I enjoyed it,' his hands gripped tightly together, nervously but still together.

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