Chapter 19

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The Truth Slips Out

Two weeks later...

Entry into the school yard was so easy to do even with the insanity of the Eleventh Ward behind them. Such entry was even easy for a Ghoul that had only a few weeks ago fought in the battles could enter without second thoughts. He stood in the middle of the courtyard with a saddened scowl on his face, this was the last time that he would be able to step into the school ever.

Yattori Suzuki alone strolled forward towards the morning meeting spot where everyone would see one another before school after long breaks. He saw them, three of his closest friends all gathering in the spot between the two oaken benches and the old cherry tree. A smile lightened his grimacing face only for a moment as he took the necessary strides to reach the location.

Their eyes all turned to his frame, the black clothing still beaten and covered with blood. His nights of non-sleep had definitely not helped his image of a crazed maniac and made them apprehensive about seeing him. His blue eyes were downcast as the kakugan started to change them into the black and red of a Ghoul that had nothing to hide anymore.

"Y-yattori?" Tatsu was in disbelief, his best friend was lurching forward covered in an unknown brown-red goo with several long tears and shreds through the clothing. Indeed it was very hard to identify the monster that he had become. The brunette glared as the blonde Ghoul shambled closer, face pointed towards the concrete guided only by the sounds of their voices.

"What that is Yattori? What happened to you?" Brick said almost equally shocked. The being before him seemed insane and unstable not the cool composed friend he had made out of the once shy teenager.

"It is me alright. I guess I should have told all of you sooner," Yato responded voice sunken with emotion, difficulty had become overly present in the works. The blonde was struggling with something more that just being a Ghoul in a world that persecuted his kind." But I'm leaving Tokyo and probably never coming back," his face was still staring down at the well worn concrete below.

"Why you don't have any problems do you? Were you attacked by Ghouls?" Keiya spoke up getting over her shock at the mess that covered his black clothing. Yato smiled his mass of blonde hair drooping over his eyes as he looked up.

"No, I am the Ghoul that would attack me," he opened his eyes their crimson glow prevalent even through the blonde hair that had dangled over them. The two were taken aback by the revelation images of the CCG Agent's killer flashing into their minds, the third Tatsu just sighed knowing that it was only going to be a matter of time.

"I can tell that all of you are shocked at that for sure. I also know that you are all ready to shout out and get everyone here running at me, neither of us want to see what would happen if they do," his eyes darted around like two crimson orbs of fire, scanning for any sign of the CCG or other Ghouls that would be willing to attack him here.

"You don't have to leave Yato my dad would take you in," Tatsu stepped up. The rift between them seemed large before but now it was clear it was just a small crack in the ground. Yato smiled looking over at his lifelong friend, generosity had always been the teenager's strong suit even when the two of them were just little kids.

"I don't want to hurt you Tatsu. That's not my nature you should know that," though solemn he gave a wink cheerily. He knew that this was going to be hard on his friends without the fact he was a monster and now that he was leaving was making it even worst." If you do have any objections though I'll give you a shot to keep me here," he tensed expecting a punch from his best friend.

"No I get it Yato. You have had a lot of problems with your personal life, good luck then buddy," Tatsu smiled holding out his right hand for a handshake. It was almost touching to see, knowing that someone that was so close to him willing to let him go with full faith was great.

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