Looking for Answers

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------------Danny's P.O.V.---------
There was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to see Tucker standing there with his backpack.
"Hey Danny! I brought all of my tech!" He said with a huge smile.
"Great! Get in here we have a lot to do!" I said as I pulled Tucker into the house and into my room.
"So, what are we looking for again?" Tucker asked as he set up.
"I need you to help me find some files from a lab."
"Okay, do you have any details about it?" Tucker said with a small laugh.
"Oh! Uh, it was somewhere outside of (hometown), some bad shit happened there about 18 years ago, and it was underground."
"This is probably not going to be easy to find then, but I'm sure I can get to it." Tucker said as he started typing away on his laptop. "What's this about anyway?"
"Uh......It's about....." I stammered trying to think of something, "It's... about that person who attacked me a few months back! I got a few details about their location from them before they ran away!"
"Really? Why didn't you tell us before?" Tucker asked, still focused on the screens.
"I uh... thought she was lying?" I said softly.
"She?" Tucker asked.
"Ya, uh I could just barely tell from her voice but I.... wasn't sure." I said shifting from side to side.
"Okay dude." Tucker said as he kept typing. I sat down and watched him work. After an hour Tucker spoke up again, "Hey Danny? If you're just gonna watch can you please get me some water or something?"
"Sure. Do you want a sandwich or something?" I asked as I stood up and walked to the door.
"Sure dude, thanks!" He said, eyes stil glued to the screen. I walked downstairs and opened the fridge. I grabbed some ham, cheddar cheese, mayo, and veggies. I made two sandwiches so we would each have one and grabbed two glasses, filled them with water and went back upstairs. Right when I walked back into the room Tucker sat up straight.
"What is it?" I asked setting the food and drinks down.
"What exactly happened at that lab?" Tucker asked backing up a bit so that I could look at the screen. On the screen there was a file that looked like it had been typed up at least 30 years ago. It read,
Specimen no: 86524
Subject lost consciuosness and was maimed during today's experiment. Another modification will be performed according to -------------'s orders. If the subject fails again it is to be put down.
Below it was a picture of a skinny bald person in a fetal position. Before we could take a closer look, all of Tucker's tech glitched and caughted fire.
"What the fuck!?" I screamed.
"My tech!!!!!" Tucker yelled as I ran to get a fire extinguisher. I grabbed the closest one out of Jazz's  room and ran to put the fire out.
"No no no no!" I yelled as Tucker tried desperately to salvage his tech. "Tucker we need to get those files back!"
"And how do you suppose we do that?! I can't use my tech and whatever that was blew up my stuff!!" Tucker yelled as he craddled his laptop. I sighed and paced around with my hands on my head.
"What if we went to the lab? If we took the computers we can get the files off of them right?" I said exasperated.
"Well, ya. But you don't know where that is. And how are you and I supposed to get a bunch of tech out of a place that's burried?" Tucker asked getting up. I paused for a moment. Then it came to me.
"Tell your parents your staying the night and get the van ready for a trip! I know exactly what to do!" I said running downstairs and out of the house. I ran next door and pounded on the front door. Soon enough Johnny came and opened the door. "Johnny I need your help." Johnny looked at me and crossed his arms. I motioned for him to come closer. He leaned in and I quickly whispered into his ear,
"I'm close to finding the head of the lab Y/n was made in." Before I could react Johnny shoved me back and closed the door behind him. He tilted his head with wide eyes, as if to ask me where or who. "U-uh, we just need to go there and get the tech out so Tucker can get the files without his computer blowing up, but the two of us can't do it alone." Johnny looked over at the house then back at me and shook his head. He pulled out his phone and typed something.
You and I will go. Tucker will stay here. I don't trust him not to do something stupid.
"But Tucker knows more about tech than anyone!" I said with a pleading look. Johnny simply crossed his arms and glared. I sighed. "Fine, I'll tell him to go home." Johnny nodded and walked over to my house with me. Tucker was outside by the van.
"Hey! Are you ready to-" He was cut off when Johnny slammed his hand on the van and pointed away from the house.
"Uh Tuck, I'm just taking Johnny. He uh, knows the area. But he doesn't want you to be in danger." I said nervously. Johnny shot me a glare then went to sit in the passenger side. Tucker and I exchanged a glance before he hurried away, obviously scared of Johnny. I sighed and got in the car. Johnny was sitting with his arms crossed and looked out the window. He reached over and handed me his phone.
Put (hometown) into your maps. I'll guide you from there. Be ready to walk. We shouldn't take the car too close or someone will catch on.
"Okay, let me just call y/n and let her know-" Johnny grabbed my phone out of my hand and shook his head. He motioned to himself and handed it back. "You're going to message her?" I aksed. He nodded and started to type on his phone. I sighed and started the car.
After hours of driving we finally got to (hometown) and Johnny started to guide me down a bunch of dirt roads. All of the sudden he held his hand up signaling me to stop. I pulled over and looked at him. He pointed ahead of us and got out of the car. As I stepped out I looked and saw what looked like a run down barn a few miles away. I locked the van and started to walk with him. After a while we finally got to the barn.
"How do we get in?" I said as we walked around the barn. Then I saw that one of the windows was missing a few boards. Enough for a small person to fit through.
"Johnny!" I yelled as I walked over and started to try to get some of the boards away. Johnny came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I backed up and Johnny kicked the whole thing apart. He looked back at me and motioned for me to follow. We crawled through the window and found nothing but a straw covered floor. We both immediately dropped down and started knocking on the floor until Johnny knocked on something that sounded metallic. He brushed the straw off and we saw a metal grate. It looked new, it could only be a few years old.
"They must have replaced it when she got out." I muttered. Johnny nodded and stood up. I moved back and watched him stomp the metal until it was crumpled enough that it fell down the vent. I looked down the vent. It looked botomless. Johnny could clearly see my nerves. He handed me his phone once again.
Why don't you just transform and fly down?
"W-w-wait! You know?" Johnny nodded.
She's my best friend. I've protected her since we were kids. Of course I do my research on anyone interested in her. Besides, it isn't that hard to figure out.
Johnny nodded at me and jumped down into the vent. I transformed and flew down after him. The vents were like a maze, but Johnny crawled and jumped as though he knew exactly where to go, though I supposed he should since they probably talked about it a lot. I followed him until we reached a vent. Johnny braced himself with his arms and kicked the vent down. It fell and clanged against the floor below. Johnny shimmied down and grabbed the chain that was a couple of feet away with his legs before he dropped and held onto the chain for dear life. I flew out and looked at him.
"You know I can carry you down right?" I said holding my hands out. Johnny glared at me and slid down the chain. "Or not." I floated down to the ground and transformed. I looked over to see Johnny standing in front of a cage. It was suspended by the chain over a large dark pit. I walked over and looked at him. Johnny had tears in his eyes and ran his fingers over a small piece of metal. I looked at it to see what it said,
I felt anger well up inside me, but before I could do anything Johnny punched the bars and sent the cage flying. The chain snapped and hit the concrete wall, cracking it. He stood up and turned to walk away. I caught him and set my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry...." Johnny looked at me and sighed. He put his hand on mine and gave me a nod. We started to walk away. A door stood in our way. Johnny looked over at me and I just nodded. I transformed and blasted the door open. We kept walking until we saw a directory.
"I.T! Come on this way!" I started to run but Johnny quickly caught my arm. I turned to look at him and he what he was pointing at. He pulled me back and brushed off a sign that simply read,
I nodded and we started to walk the other way. After a while and a lot of winding hallways we came across the records room. I blasted it open and looked around in shock. The room was huge and dark, and walls of filing cabinets were the only thing in the room. Hundreds and hundreds of walls of filing cabinets.
"Great. How in the hell are we supposed to find anything in here?" I grumbled. Johnny looked over at me with a creepy grin and pulled a dagger seemingly out of nowhere. Before I could do anything, he darted over to the filing cabinets. I ran after him, only to see the dusty numbers on the sides of the filing cabinets. They seemed to go on for miles. I stared dumbfounded at the sheer height of the cabinets. I looked back to see Johnny down a ways, right before he turned. I ran after him as fast as I could, catching up just in time to see him start scaling the cabinets, stabbing the dagger through the thick metal to use as extra support. Johnny started to crawl around and pry open drawers. I followed along on the ground, absolutely shocked by just how fit this guy was. He was taller and skinnier than me, but he was a complete brute. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud bang, I looked up to see that Johnny had pulled a drawer out of the filing cabinet completely. With only one hand and a dagger he quickly climbed back down and sat on the floor. I sat down with him and watched his long pale fingers move quickly through the files. Suddenly he stopped. His hand shook as he plucked one of the thicker files from the drawer. I leaned in and he turned it so that I could see the tab.
The two of us exchanged a glance before Johnny set it down flat and opened it. As we looked through we noticed one commonality. All of the information we needed was blacked out. The types of experiments, the DNA used, why they were performed, and who ordered them. I sighed. A few drops of water fell onto the papers in the file. I looked up at the ceiling but there weren't any other drops falling. I looked back down to see Johnny with his fists clenched so hard they were white and shaking....Crying silently. His eyes were wide open, and the tears just poured out of his eyes.
"Hey....Look, this is a good thing! If the paper version is here maybe theres one still on a computer! If not then I'm sure I could get my mom or Jazz to help figure out what's been covered." I said as I closed the file. Johnny looked up at me, and stared into my eyes for a moment.
"Ya. You're right." He said softly. I screamed and scrambled backwards.
"You can talk?!?!?!?!?" I screamed, still shocked. Johnny furrowed his brow and stood up.
"Shhhh. We don't know that we're alone. And yes, I can. Just not to anyone but y/n." He muttered as he extended his hand to me. I grabbed it and felt weightless as he pulled me to my feet.
"Then why are you talking to me?" I asked. Johnny sighed, picked up the file and started to walk. I shook off the shock and walked next to him.
"When I was very young I learned the hard way that you shouldn't say anything to anyone you can't trust. My own parents haven't heard a sound from me since I was three. But when I found y/n, alone, scared, and desperate...something just clicked. I looked into her eyes and felt like I should do something. And after helping her, the way she looked at me, the way she relied on me, the gratitude she showed me for making her feel like a person instead of a lab rat, I just knew that she was the only person in this world I could talk to. When I first met you, I didn't like you. I judged you by the company you kept. But then you made her feel more that normal. You make her feel so special in a way I can't. You make her feel pretty and confident and hopeful. I worried that you might take her from me with how much time she was spending away from me with you, but then today when you showed up at the door asking for me to help you find the person who hurt her, telling your friend to go home when I said to, putting her ahead of everything. I realized that wouldn't happen. Why would you spend time alone with me if you wanted to take her? And I know you've never told her how scared you are of me. At first I thought you didn't say anything because you were afraid of me, but now I get it. You didn't want to come between her and her best friend." Johhny stopped and truned to look at me. "You have more than earned my trust." I smiled.
"Thank you, but I never thought about you as her best friend. Since I've gotten to know you, I think you're more like a big brother to her. And I know she thinks so too." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. Johnny sighed and looked down.
"You know, you'd make a good brother-in-law someday." He mumbled before shrugging my hand off and going back to walking. I felt myself smiling like an idiot as I followed him like a lost puppy. As we wandered through the winding halls I struck up as much conversation with Johnny as possible, asking any question I could and answering any he had. Eventually I started to tell him about how I got my powers.
"-and then my pants literally dropped around my ankles."
"In front of Paulina?" Johnny asked with a smile.
"Yep. And that's not even the worst thing thats ever happened. I blasted myself in the face once." I said rubbing the back of my neck. Johnny started to laugh hysterically.
"Oh man...It's been a long time since I've had a good laugh." He said as we finally arrived in a large computer lab. The two of us ran from computer to computer trying to turn at least one on. Finally Johnny managed to get one on. It was old as hell and glitchy as fuck. Although that made it much easier to get in to the computer and it's files. We managed to find her file, but before we could open it we heard a loud distant bang.
"Someone's here." I whispered. Johnny quickly hit the print button and looked at me.
"Start trashing computers. When this prints, destroy that one too." He said as he ran over to the printer. It was an old, loud printer, so the sound of the computers being destroyed wasn't too bad. But as I transformed and blasted computers I heard the sound of footsteps. A lot of footsteps. I started destroying evrything as fast as I could, and once I heard the printer stop I blasted the computer and flew over to Johnny. He quickly grabbed my hand and held the files close to his chest as I turned invisible and flew up and out of the lab. As soon as we got up to the surface we ran as fast as we could back to the car. As soon as we got to a parking lot in (hometown) Johnny started to flip through the files. A bunch of them were just updates on experiments. Horrible experiments. Surgery upon surgery. Then we finally found what we were looking for.

Report: Latest experiment shows promising results. Subject had to be moved to a suspended cage after an incident with a security guard. This subject has much promise unlike the others. After years of research and creating these things we may have engineered a being that our benefactor can use to fix his condition as well as achieve his goals of immortality and invulnerability. A sample has been sent to test the subjects compatibility.
Next steps: Pending results. If incompatible, dispose of in the incinerator. If compatible, begin arrangements to perform vivisection to merge useful components with Mr. Masters.

"Of course it's plasmius." I growled. Johnny's hands shook with what I could only guess was rage.
"Who's Plasmius? And what does that have to do with Mayor Masters?"
"Well-" Before I could finish Johnny crushed the files in one hand.
"Forget it. We know who did this to her, let's just kill him." He growled.
"We can't just kill the Mayor of Amity park." I sighed.
"I don't care if I get caught." Johnny said angrily.
"No, you can't kill him. He's half ghost, like me. Besides it would kill y/n if you went to jail. I can't believe I couldn't figure this out. How else could someone have a bounty out for her in this world and the ghost zone!" I said burying my face in my hands.
"So what are we supposed to do?" Johnny asked as he crossed his arms.
"....Maybe if I can find a different dimension in the ghost zone that I can lock away, I could make him disappear. I'd have to do it when he's a ghost though, so that he doesn't leave a trace." I muttered.
"You mean we." Johnny said.
"No! Plasmius is really powerful, and if you got hurt y/n would kill both of us."
"I don't care, I've had to watch her suffer for years. I better be a part of making it come to an end." I looked at him and nodded, reaching out a hand to grab the files.
"Okay, but for now I'll keep ahold of these. I don't want to make her relive anything by seeing them in your house." Johnny nodded and handed me the crumpled files. I turned the key in the ignition and started the long drive back home. An hour in Johnny's phone rang. He picked it up and answered it, putting it on speaker.
"Johnny! Johnny help me my leg's caught and someone's- No! Go away!" Y/n screamed.
"Y/n?! Y/n!!! Answer me where are you!" She screamed and the call dropped. I slammed my foot on the gas, ignoring every speed limit sign I saw.
"What's the fastest way back to Amity Park?" I yelled.
"We need to get on the highway, take a left so we can cut across town!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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