Quotes 2

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No Dad I already have a career path, it's called being hardcore

- Alan Tracy


Im going tomorrow and will stay gone for a week, I'm leaving you a bowl of advice, for example "Gordon don't do that!" Applies to every situation

-Grandma Tracy


My salt extends to all and today we're salting JK Rowling

- Gordon Tracy


Virgil put Gordon down that's way to much salt I want the mild stuff. No- virgil not Georgia-

-Scott asking for salt at the dinner table


I want to say no, as a good person, but I don't have the energy to actually stop you.

- Scott at the twins


 I'd like a Purge sequel that deals with the awkwardness of the next day. Like you turn up at work and everyone's all "where's Kevin from Sales?" and you have to bring up that you killed him.

- Gordon to Kayo 


As my life is a mess right now and i compulsively take care of other people when i don't know how to take care of myself, I would like there to be more missions

-John Tracy


I don't cause commotions, I am one.

-Gordon Tracy


Did you know it takes 20-100 years for a plastic bag to break down, yet it takes me approximately 1 minor inconvenience?

- Gordon Tracy


 *giggles adorably*  I'm going to fucking snap.

- John Tracy


 I may be a fucking idiot but at least I can understand Donald Duck.

- Gordon/Georgia Tracy idk


Fuck this shit I'm out, you can deal with them by yourself because I don't think my sanity will last another hour

- Kayo to Jeff after trying to babysit the twins

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