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The wind beat against his window, there was an absent shine because of the gray sky. It was opened a crack, letting in the hollow echo, ruffling his curtain. He shivered before waking.

He was laying on the bed next to the window, facing away from it. His eyes broke open, and he simply stared across at the wall of his room. It felt there should have been something there, a poster maybe but it was left empty next to his computer monitor that was reflecting his lazy image.

"Another day." He mouthed, letting out a breath that barely held voice. He removed the covers and sat up. He turned his head back to the window staring at the gloomy sky, before getting ready for the day.

He left his apartment with a yawn, locking his door, heading down the walkway. He was wearing his work clothes a black collar shirt and slacks, also throwing on a green rabbit-hood sweater to combat the cold wind. He kicked off the steps with his signature red boots, going down the stairs. He ruffled his dark green hair as he reached the bottom and headed out.

He was waiting at a train stop, he stood from the bench as it approached, it screeched to a stop. A gentle drop hit his cheek. He perked his eyes to the clouds, lifting his hand up to cover the coming rain. He lowered his eyes back to the opening doors of the train, a few people left, going about their business as he entered. It wasn't packed, it was rather empty like the sky. He didn't take a seat. He wanted to stand, holding onto a handle as the train began to move again.

He took in the view of the city skyline's lack of contrast to the weather looming over it. The raindrops began to run down the windows. He readjusted his grip, staring out the window, except this time losing himself to thought.

'In this world, twenty percent of the population is born differently than the rest. They are born with a quirk, a superhuman ability. It started long ago when a baby, born in a hospital, began to shine in the dark. Ever since then the world has changed. With the arrival of quirks came the weaponization of them. People born with exceptional quirks were often raised as soldiers for their respective country, and with that came the escalation of potential war, eventually coming to fruition. It was called the New Age War because, in the aftermath, ten percent of the world's population was eradicated, with all of the governments on the brink of collapse. From the ashes of war, arose one military power that seized the opportunity to conquer over the rest, establishing the first world government. Although met with resistance at first, the world government eventually brought peace to the chaos. Although peace comes with sacrifices, especially to those born with quirks. If a child is found to have a quirk one of three things is most likely to happen. If it's a harmless quirk then they just have to register it to the government. If it looks like it can be utilized then they take the child. But if it's one deemed too dangerous then... They are disposed of. It's strange to think that because people were given gifts to create any possibility into reality, humanity led itself to this gray dystopia...

Still, I am constantly asking myself if we were given these abilities then they must be for something, there has to be something I can do, right?'

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