The Rabbit And Pigeon

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"What a mess this night turned into, huh?" A CQA member was looking at the burning wreckage of the command post Dabi and Tokoyami had destroyed. "The only remaining one left alive in the Tenth ranking company is Inasa, who was chasing down a runaway agent, and he's heavily injured as well. Know him, he's a pretty good guy, shame for this to happen."

"Are you kidding me, who doesn't know Inasa or Gang Orca. Everyone loved the Tenth ranking company." A soldier was walking next to the other as they approached their commanding officer. "Isn't that right, Grand?"

The commander had his hand over Gang Orca's body before the medics took it away. "Ah, he was so proud of my promotion, it was thanks to his recommendation... I still remember him taking the time to play hide and seek with us. I'm going to miss him." He straightened out, looking down the empty main street. "Camie sure made a mess of things. Just my luck to be handed this case, right when I thought I broke through the other one."

"Oh, that's right sir, we finally had a lead, too bad we can't follow up on it." A soldier replied, then the other did too. "Yeah, it's because you're one of the commanders aside from Gang Orca who are embraced by the people. If they hear you're on the case when the announcement is made, it'll put them at ease, at least a little."

"Aw, come on guys, you're making me blush. I guess if it helps the people it doesn't matter what they think I'm working on."

"Um, Grand, what do you mean?"

"Please how many times have I said call me, Yo." His charming smile twitched. "As long as the people believe something is being done about this heinous crime then it really doesn't matter if I continue my own on-going investigation, right?"

Izuku yawned, standing behind the counter in the book store. "Last night was weird." A part of him hoped he dreamt the whole thing up because Camie was gone before he woke up and another part of him knew that he didn't because of his injured arm and his favorite sweater had the right sleeve completely blown off. He had made sure he was hiding his injured hand, wearing a long black sleeve work shirt and white gloves, giving him a more professional look that Gentle complimented. 'It was a good thing I didn't break it. I've been trying to use Plus Ultra to accelerate the healing process but it's not as fast as I'd hope.' He continued to recall everything that happened last night, beginning to mumble his incomprehensible nonsense.

"Kodai... Kick." She appeared from behind, hitting his back with her foot.

He spat out his saliva, caught off guard by her attack. "Y-Yui, what gives?" Turning to her with a confused expression, but as soon as he did, he was smacked with a rolled-up notebook, right between the eyes. "Ow, ow, why?"

"You're notebook." She unrolled it handing it back to him. "You left it. Someone tried to buy it."

"Wh-What? Who would do that?"

"My exact thoughts. I was inclined to read it... So I did."

"What?! Yui, you can't just-" He stopped himself, his eyes growing wide with a blush. "H-Hey, whatever you read in there are my p-personal thoughts! I didn't think anyone else would read them, okay!" He yelled with his eyes shut, trying to ignore his embarrassment, he was smart enough to never write about his quirk in the technical sense, but that wasn't what he was worried about. Yui actually stiffened, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

The pages about her!

She cleared her throat and walked, standing behind the counter next to him. He stared at her, waiting for a response until he realized, 'She's ignoring the subject entirely!' Yui entered work mode and refused to go out of it. Izuku relented with a sigh. 'I guess it's best if we pretend it never happened.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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