Intertwined Under The Constellations

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She turned her attention to the random outburst from across the street. Her eyes narrowed confused with pursed lips. "Hey now, isn't it that cashier from the bookstore?"

Izuku was standing dumbstruck.

The person floating in the air, either ignored or didn't hear Izuku. He had a firm smile always plastered on his face. "Oi, Utsushimi just come back willingly and I'm sure we can work something out."

The blonde turned her attention back to the enforcer. Her eyelids lifted with a playful smirk. "Sorry, Inasa." She twinkled her fingers with a feign apology wave.

"Then I have no choice, it was nice being partners while it lasted." He raised his arm up high and air began to swirl around his palm. The surrounding area suddenly grew windy, centering around him.

Izuku's eyes filled with dread. His heart was pumping faster and faster while everything around him began to slow. His body didn't want to listen to him.

"Compression shot!" Inasa hurled the built-up air pressure straight to her.

Izuku paled seeing the force about to collide with her. He couldn't react until their eyes met. It was only for a moment but that was enough. Because no matter how calm and spunky she was acting he could see it in her eyes.

Without thinking his body reacted. Full cowling five percent! Lightning crackled on the ground where he once stood, having vanished with a burst of speed.

The air pressure exploded on impact with a huge backlash of debris.

She had squeezed her eyes shut at the last moment in fear, she was too tired to dodge it. The wind erupted around her but the direct force never came.

Instead, it was a warm sensation that swept her away, piercing through the explosion. She hesitantly opened one eye, taking a peek, she opened both wide with a gasp, seeing him. He was emitting lightning and she figured that's what gave her the tingling feeling when he saved her. He was carrying her bridal style, while planting his feet on a wall of a street building, running up it. She stared at his focused eyes, they were sparking with resolve and vivid intensity. He was completely different from earlier today.

"For real? You're using your quirk?" She was shocked he was using it so willingly too.

Izuku didn't reply with words, he simply held her a little tighter, making sure she was secure.

Inasa used his coat to protect himself from the smoke, he wasn't able to see clearly but he was sure it was a direct hit.

"Bye, bye." She waved over Izuku's shoulder as they escaped up a skyscraper.

Inasa's eyes grew hearing her voice. "What, from where?!" He used his quirk to clear the settling dust. He snapped his head in all directions until he saw a speeding bolt reaching a rooftop and it was carrying her. He surrounded himself with wind and gave chase.

They landed on the roof and Izuku placed her on her feet. "Holy crap, what am I doing? I just became an accomplice. The counter quirk agency is going to find me! My life is over!" He cringed with bulging eyes.

She tilted her head, confused at his demeanor before giggling. "Well, looks like you have no choice in helping me escape, ne?" With a sly smirk. "Cause I'm the only one who can help you." She playfully sang.

"Eh? Wh-Who are you?"

"Here, hide your face." She ignored his question. She stepped into his personal space, her bust grazed his chest giving him an uncomfortable feeling but she didn't seem to mind their closeness. She reached with her hands, grabbing the hood of his sweater from both sides, and placing it on him, staring up at his face, sharing eye contact. "C'mon, let's go." She grabbed his wrist, dragging him along. "And it's Camie, by the way."

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