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And then they began to fall.

"Hieeee!" He cried out with tears in his eyes. She was laughing the whole time, still hugging him.

Woosh! Their bodies submerged into the clouds. They came out the other side, both gasping for air.

"What are we gonna do!" He cried, only able to hold onto her for dear life.

"You worry too much." She continued to laugh out loud, patting his back, even going as far as to comfort him by nestling his head into her bosom, running her hand through his hair. "There, there."

His yelling stopped for a moment letting himself get nurtured. "So soft..." Then the rush of falling hit him again. He lifted his face off her soft mounds, trying not to regret it. He glanced around, beginning to think of a way to save them. He was mumbling about using his other arm to repel the gravity at the last moment.

"Ah, I guess I can't tease you anymore." She smirked noticing his demeanor change back into the focused one. "But let me handle this one." She said loud enough over the air.

"Eh?" He turned his eyes up to her, staring confused. She patted his shoulder with a smile, before purposely sliding her hand down his body, reaching his waist. He gulped seeing her bite her bottom lip as she tugged gently on his belt. 'Why is she doing this to me?!'

She burst out laughing again. "Sorry, sorry! It's just too easy!"

"We're literally going to die at this rate!" He yelled with blushing shark eyes.

"I get it, I get it!" She kept giggling. She removed her hand from his belt placing it over her own belt buckle and pressing it.

It flew out before opening up and slowing their descent. "See, told you." It was a parachute.

Izuku stared at her calm attitude at the whole situation.

"Wow, look at the city!" Her eyes lit up with the lights below them.

He caught a gasp before it came out. He followed her view and then let the gasp out. "Amazing..." His grip on her naturally tightened.

"Hmp." She let out a sound of surprise yet also consenting to it by curling her hand around his neck, her fingers tickling the ends of his hair. Their view from the city began to shift to each other, their eyes locking, really looking at each other for the first time.

Their bodies where twirling above the city, suspended in air by the slow falling, snowflake-like parachute. They were glistening from the light below because of the water droplets they caught from the cloud. Their breaths came out condensed from the cold altitude. The heavy free-fall wind was now a silent flow, guiding them. Her hand reached out and held onto the wire attached to the parachute. He didn't know why but he did the same, placing his hand just above hers, barely grazing each other. She glanced at the arm, it was a battered purple, and to her, it looked broken but he seemed used to it. She traced her gaze up to his face.

Their eyes reflected each other as they shared the same thought.

'Who are you..?'

They had landed and were walking with a hurried pace along the back streets of the city.

"S-So where's your safe house." As they rounded a corner.

"Well now that we're in the clear, there's really no reason to go back there." She mused.

"Ah, I guess you're right."

"So let's go back to your place."

He choked on his spit. "Wha-, but that's, I mean-"

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