Chapter 9: Your second attempt

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I sat there staring at her in confusion for a minute when a loud, distressed voice interrupted my thoughts.


Subaru? I slowly got up and headed out the room.

Emilia: "Y/N where are you going? You're supposed to take it easy until you feel you can move."
Y/N: "o-oh don't worry about me. I feel right as rain!"
Emilia: "Are you sure?"
Y/N: "of course! No need to worry about lil ol'me!"

I was of course lying. I was petrified and back in the terrible pain I was in yesterday. At least what I believe to be yesterday. I have no idea what the hell is going on but I'm sure as hell going to find out and my suspicions are that Subaru has an idea as to what's happened.

Emilia: "Well ok. If you say so than I should probably trust your judgement but if you need anything don't feel afraid to ask me ok?"
Y/N: "I'll be sure to snowflake, thank you."
Emilia: "W-Where did snowflake come from?"
Y/N: "Well you're so cute and delicate and your hair is white so I saw it fit."

I smiled as she blinked in confusion. At least she's the same person as I know her to be.

Emilia: "well ok. Take care!"
Y/N:"You too!"

I waved her bye and the minute she was out of sight I sprinted towards Subaru's room. I have so many questions I can't even keep a count of them. Once I reached his door, I bust it open only to find a surprised Rem and Ram and no Subaru in sight.

Rem and Ram: "?!"
Y/N: "Sorry, do you guys perhaps no where Subaru is?"
Rem: "Actually, he was here a second ago after waking up but then he panicked and asked rather strange questions."
Ram: "Right after that he sprinted out the room like a lunatic."
Y/N: "oh right, any ideas where he went?"

The two shook their heads.

Y/N: "Ok thanks anyway!"

I immediately ran out the room once again sprinting in a desperate search for the boy.

Y/N: "Subaru!!!!???? Where the hell are you!?"

I ran past the library before immediately coming to a halt once I heard a reply to my cry.

Beatrice: "he's in here."

I once again busted the door open.

Subaru: "Ow!"
Y/N: "Subaru what's going on!?"
Beatrice: "You do know when you kicked down that door you hit his head."
Y/N: "oh, sorry about that."
Beatrice: "You'll have to apologise to him I suppose."
Y/N: "I wa- nevermind. Subaru what just happened?"
Subaru: "what do you mean?"
Y/N: "oh I don't know- THE DAY RESTARTING!?"
Subaru: "You noticed too!?"
Subaru: "oh yeah...sorry."
Beatrice: "I have no idea what you're talking about I suppose. But I do wonder what it is you mean by the day restarting? I haven't drained your mana yet Subaru so how could today be the same as yesterday?"
Subaru: "You remember that? So you remember me?"
Beatrice: "I'd rather erase you from my memory but yes I suppose."
Y/N: "so then you haven't been affected by whoever's doing this. That makes sense I guess, since you've got some sort of powerful magic."
Beatrice: "Powerful? Heh why thank you for noticing I suppose."
Y/N: "It was absolutely no problem."
Subaru: "So then, has the day actually restarted? or are we just panicking for no reason and this day is just similar to the previous." 
Y/N: "No we've definitely restarted."
Subaru: "How do you know?"
Y/N: "Because when I woke up this morning Emilia was by my side just like yesterday and said the exact same things as she did yesterday too. When I asked her what happened yesterday she told me about what happened in Rom's loothouse. Which means we're back to yesterday."
Subaru: "You're so lucky! I wish I had awoken to Emilia by my side too! No fair!"
Y/N: "Get a hold of yourself man! This isn't about that. Plus what did I tell you about talking about Emilia that way!?"
Subaru: "oh right, sorry."
Y/N: "Lets discuss this elsewhere. Thanks Beatrice!"
Beatrice: "Huh? I didn't do anything."
Y/N: "No you helped me realise something."
Beatrice: "Well it was no problem I suppose."

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