Madame Red

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The next day, the trio went to visit Block # 49. 

"It looks normal to me." Bugs said as he inspected the area. Elmer saw a woman talking to passing by.

  "Sir ... Old Woman." Elmer said as he saw an elderly woman talking to a couple.

"Elmer It's broad daylight." Bugs told him to cheer him up. "Sir, I just couldn't let you come here alone," Elmer told Bugs. 

"I'm not going to be alone, Elmer. Lola is meeting me here, okay?" Bugs reassured him. "That's even worse, she probably attracts ghosts!" Elmer exclaimed.

 "Mr Mckimson! What's going on?" Bugs asked. "Mr. Bugs, This is Madame Red. She has been poisoning my prospective buyer's mind with her evil rumours!" the man explained. 

"Madame Red, exactly the person I was hoping to see. I overhead you scaring young people with your stories." Bugs said to the woman.

"I wasn't scaring them, I was saving them!" Madame Red argued. "From What?" Bugs asked. 

"The Revenge of Mr Snafu!" Madame Red announced. "Why?" The two asked. 

"His spirit is angry because the railing here was not high enough to prevent his daughter from crawling over. So now he haunts the corridors of this block looking for revenge." Madame Red elaborated.

Mr. Mckimson responded, "Rubbish! Why don't you ask her to haunt HDB Hub instead?" The man said furiously. 

"Sure! If I can talk to him, I'll tell him to haunt the Meet the people session." Madame Red added. 

"Madame Red, do you realize that such rumours could be harmful?" Bugs told the woman. "Rumours? They're not rumours!" Madame Red said feeling offended. 

"Madame Red, I would really appreciate it if you stop spreading these rumours until my team investigates." Bugs told Madame Red calmly. 

Mr. Mckimson and Madame Red nodded their heads "Okay" and they left.

"Lola! You missed the fun! Elmer here is being such a baby." Bugs told Lola. 

"Which bit? The bit where he poops like one?" Lola said sarcastically. "Don't joke about this sort of thing, Do you want the ghost of Mr Snafu to possess you first?!" Elmer told Lola. 

"Calm down you guys! Bugs tried to calm the two. Lola, did you find out who uploaded the video?" Bugs asked Lola. 

Lola responded. "Yes. I traced all the shares back to an anonymous user on a forum. I messaged him multiple times and all he said was: "Go to Block # 49 at midnight and you will see what I saw." Lola explained. 

"We will do that tomorrow: Supernatural Stakeout at Midnight! Bugs exclaimed.

Looney Tunes: The Neighbourhood GhostWhere stories live. Discover now