Rocky's Story

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Rocky began his story. 

"When my wife Joanna and I got married, this flat was our first home. And we've been staying here ever since. It's been renovated many times, but still the same flat. Our home. 

A few years ago, I added Hudson's name to the flat. So that he can have it when we... you know?" Rocky told the story. 

"Pa," Hudson added. 

"Who knew that Joanna would go first? Last year, she lost the battle to lung cancer and left me." Rocky muttered. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." Lola apologised to Rocky.

"And now. Hudson wants to sell the flat and kick me out." Rocky continued. 

"Pa! How can you say that?" Hudson said feeling offended. "What? That's exactly what you want, right?" Rocky said feeling furious at his son.

 Hudson explained, "I ask you to sell the flat because I want you to move in with me and carol. My new place is a 5-room flat, we can give you your own bedroom now." 

"And throw away all this? All my memories?" Rocky continued still furious. "For a small room in your house? Why would I want to do that?" Rocky cried. 

"I don't feel safe leaving you here alone all the time!" Hudson told his father. "I am not alone!" Rocky yelled at his son. He added, "Joanna... she's here. You won't understand!" 

"Pa..." Hudson uttered, "I won't leave this flat! I'm never leaving this flat!" Rocky said as he started to cry. 

 "You think I can't feel ma's presence here too? Every time I come here, I feel like crying. I miss her too!" Hudson said understanding his father's story. 

"But that's exactly the problem, My mother has passed away for more than a year, and my father is still crying himself to sleep until now. Because this flat holds too many memories for him, he can't move on!" he continued.

"As long as he's staying here, he will continue to cling on to all these memories, and he'll continue to forget the people around him. Us! Those who are still alive!" Hudson said now understanding the situation.

"What rubbish are you talking about?" Rocky questioned his son. 

"Let me ask you this, Pa. When was the last time you saw your grandchildren? Every time I want to bring them here, you're always giving me excuses. They want to see you Pa. I want to see you, Pa. But I want to see you happy, Pa. I want to see you smiling again, okay?" Hudson looked at his father.

Bugs felt a heartwarming feeling in his heart then he told them.

"I think we should leave now and let the two of you talk things out. But thank you so much for sharing your story." 

"I'm really touched by how much love there is in this family." Bugs then said something important, 

"Keeping old memories are important, but making new memories are important too." He told the two. After the heartfelt speech, Bugs and Lola left the flat.

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