Operation: Ghost Investigation

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The following night, the team went to Block # 49. All of them were waiting for Elmer to show up.

"He's probably late hiding in the toilet somewhere he's not going to show up." Lola said looking at her watch. " 

"The last time we spoke, he said he would be prepared for anything." Bugs said adjusting his camera. 

"Including the 4th of July. Look!" Daffy said as the others laughed at Elmer's attire. 

His attire consists of a Garlic Necklace, A Bike helmet covered in Silver while carrying a gun with him. 

Lola snickered, "I get your strategy: If you see the ghost, make it collapse with laughter." Lola said trying to contain her laughter. 

"I pity your ignorance, this is a defense, combining the best of  different cultures!" Elmer said explaining his get-up. 

Bugs examined Elmer's accessories. "Maybe we should include that in the next 4th of July goodie bag." Bugs suggested. 

"Correct! I agree with you It is Multiracial and Multi-faith!" Elmer complimented Bugs. 

"You look ridiculous!" Lola said now being serious. Elmer ignored Lola's comment by wearing shades.

"Speaking of protection, I hope you are all prepared if anything happens tonight." Daffy said understanding Elmer's plan. "What do you mean?" Tina asked. 

"Is your coverage adequate? Are all your premiums fully paid? If you want additional coverage, I have a few quick and easy plans that you can look at." Daffy said as he took out a  brochure with insurance details. 

"Daffy. Nothing is going to happen to anyone tonight, alright? we are just going to investigate for suspicious activity." Bugs said confidently. 

"We will split up into two teams." Bugs instructed. " I want to be in Mr. Bugs's team!" Tina cheered. "Good." Bugs added and they all agreed. 

"Petunia, I'm assuming you know how to use this?" Lola asked the female pig. "Of course." Petunia replied.

Bugs, Tina, and Lola went first. They took the lift to the 10th floor. When they walked around the floor, Lola gasped. 

"What's wrong?" Bugs asked. 

"Dirty water in a flower pot! How did the Water Resources team miss this? Lola said in disgust. 

"It's cold tonight, The best way to keep warm is to take your hands and rub them." Bugs advised to a chilly Tina. The trio heard violin sounds and they walked to find the source.

"I think it's working." Petunia said adjusting the camera. "Petunia Pig why don't you get Daffy to help you check?" Elmer asked the female pig. 

"Daffy. Daffy, What'd you doing?" The man asked. "Giving residents something they would need in the long-run." Daffy said showing them a card. 

"You're right! Whenever I need a small piece of paper to write something on, I can never find one. Give me some later okay?" Petunia said to Daffy giving him the okay sign. 

"Guys look at this. Unless my aging eyes are playing tricks on me..." Elmer spoke. 

"What'd you see?" Daffy asked. 

"I see Mr. Bugs, Lola, and Tina. It's so weird they're talking but there's no sound coming from their mouths. Petunia said seeing the other team on the other side. Daffy clarified. 

"There is sound, you can't hear it. Daffy if I can't hear it, it means there's no sound." Petunia told the duck. 

"I'm not talking about Mr. Bugs." Elmer said looking elsewhere, "I'm looking at the end of the corridor." The three of them saw a figure.

"I don't get it where is it coming from?" Lola said as she followed the sound. 

"You know that Giovanni guy did mention hearing a lullaby before seeing the ghost? I'm going to investigate." Bugs said slightly confident. "No." Tina added. 

"The tribe has spoken," Lola said. "I doubt that we're in danger here, Tina. So thanks for your concern. Bugs said as the trio continued walking.

Meanwhile, the other team ran into the lift while screaming. "I think the ghost saw us!" Elmer panicked. 

"Why are we going up towards it?" Daffy question. 

"Because they need our help! Elmer exclaimed. "I can feel my legs and my bladder is about to explode, but we must warn them!" Elmer explained. 

"I know how! Petunia added and she pressed the emergency button causing it to make a ringing sound. 

"What are you doing?" Daffy asked Petunia.

"This is the emergency button. Right? This is an Emergency!" Petunia panicked. "But it's only for emergencies inside the lift!" Daffy exclaimed. 

"Yes! We are inside the lift!" Petunia yelled at Daffy. 

"Can you just stop it?!" Daffy added now in a paranoid state. 

"Take this! You too Daffy!" Elmer said as he gave them $50 dollars notes.

"What for? Our funeral expenses?" Daffy questioned. 

"Did you know, that the Tune Town crest is blessed by all our major religions? Our money acts as a charm!" Elmer explained about the note. 

"Lucky you brought these!" Daffy said now relieved. "I doubt the ghost will be scared of Mastercard!" Petunia added. They screamed when the ghost appeared. 

They reached the 10th level, they screamed when they saw the other team. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Bugs asked the other team. "I'm here to protect you!" Tina exclaimed as she came in front of Bugs. 

"Don't worry Tina. You can't fight Stupidity." Lola said calmly to Tina. 

"Are you okay? We saw a little girl!" Daffy asked the group now in a nervous state. 

"Never mind the little girl... There was this old man, we saw him three times!" Elmer said as he was almost on the edge of tears. 

"We heard a lullaby," Tina told the other group. "What's going on?" Daffy asked as he too almost started to cry. 

"Hang on, I think we should just think this through calmly okay?" Somewhere else! Bugs told the team. They listened but feeling tired, they went home instead.

Looney Tunes: The Neighbourhood GhostWhere stories live. Discover now