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It was a rule you had for yourself, you would not sleep in the bed unless Tendou was beside you. Of course there were exceptions like if he was at his desk, and you wanted to go to sleep, but if he wasn't going to come at some point, you didn't sleep in the bed you two shared.

This might seem odd, but once Tendou opened up to you about how his past girlfriend cheated on him and brought other guys into their bed, you made him a promise. A promise to keep your bed for the two of you, and that was it. So it just became a thing for you. Whenever Tendou was out overnight for work or whatever reason, you found yourself sleeping on the couch. This didn't bother you very much, the couch was big, and the context of why you were doing it was more important to you than anything.

Tendou has told you multiple times that he doesn't mind you sleeping in the bed without him (poor boy is worried about you sleeping on the couch), but at this point it just doesn't feel right. No matter how much you tossed and turned, if Tendou wasn't beside you, it was impossible to sleep in your bed.

None of this was a problem for you, until a particularly nasty argument between you and Tendou occurred. The argument wasn't really that bad, it just escalated so quickly, and before you two knew it, something was made out of nothing.

"Tendou, can you do the dishes? I did them last night, and plus I have to do laundry." Tendou was kind of paying attention, but most of his attention was on the screen in front of him playing a volleyball game.

"Awww can you do it Y/N? You know I hate the nasty foot bits that get soggy in the water."

"There wouldn't be food bits if you made sure there wasn't food on your plate before you put it in the sink. Just saying." Your words were a bit more harsh than needed, which made you and Tendou both cringe a bit.

"Well fine, if your gonna be like that I'll do it." He paused the game playing before him and started to head to the kitchen.

"Gonna be like what Tendou? I'm telling you the truth, you need to make sure you wipe off your plate first. If you did the water wouldn't have so much food it in." You crossed you arms and face the red head as he walked to the kitchen.

"God, sorry I didn't know you were so pissy tonight, otherwise I would've payed more attention to it." He walked past you in order to get to the kitchen to start washing the dishes.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not being "pissy", I'm just telling you something." Your voice was now raised, and your words were more sharp and harsh.

"Oh my god. I get it!" Tendou stopped walking and yelled back at you.

From there, you two just went back and forth, getting angrier every time, and eventually you just walked away so you could finish the laundry and shower. You hurriedly shoved the folded clothes into their respective drawers and gathered your stuff for a shower.

Once in the shower, you thought back to what happened, and how the situation was, in reality, something so unimportant. The two of you shouted at each other over dishes? It was stupid really, but most of it was because you just had to say something about him not cleaning off his plates. Which is another thing that was stupid, because you knew that your boyfriend didn't care to think about little things like that, which you had gotten used to. But the damage was done now, and he was probably very mad at you.

The water came to a stop and you stepped out and dried yourself off. After getting dressed and etcetera, the time was around 11, which was when Tendou would normally be in bed waiting for you. However, after what went down, you highly doubted that was the case, and you were correct. After stepping into the room you two shared, you saw it was empty. You threw the towel in your hair across the room into the laundry bin, and walked to the living room. There you say Tendou laying on the couch under blankets scrolling through his phone.

"Tendou?" Your voice was quiet and traced with guilt. You said as little as possible, and that was fine because he seemed to get what you were asking.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." He wasn't yelling, or being overly mean with his tone, but the words still felt like a dagger to the heart.

"You should sleep in the bed, you know I won't and there's no point in neither of us sleeping in it." Your voice was still quiet, more caring if anything.

"I said I'm sleeping on the couch."
He still wasn't extremely harsh, but you knew he wasn't moving. His eyes were still glued to his phone, not looking at you once during the interaction, so he hardly noticed you walking back to your room.

Once you had a blanket, pillow, and your charger, you made your way to the office you and Tendou had, which just so happened to have a decent sized love seat. Besides the couch (which was clearly already occupied), this was the only other thing you could sleep on.

Well, kind of. You weren't terribly uncomfortable, but you couldn't sleep a wink. After lifting your phone screen up, you saw the bright screen telling you it was 3:23. This wasn't good. You had to wake up early tomorrow to help out a friends with her wedding plans, and you really needed to get some sleep. After panicking a little bit, your thoughts were cut off by hearing footsteps heading your way.

You could hardly make out Tendou's figure leaned against the doorway with a blanket draped over him.

"Can't sleep? Yea me either." His voice was soft, and you could clearly hear guilt.

"I'm sorry. I'm the reason we even fought to begin with, and it was over something so stupid, I don't know what I was thinking." Your voice was cracking, and your gaze was fixed in the ground.

"No no, It wasn't just your fault, I should've just washed the dishes, and plus you didn't say anything that wasn't true." He walked over and sat by you on the loveseat.

His hands were placed on your cheeks, and he lifted your head so his eyes met yours. It was still dark, so it was hard to see, but you could faulty make out a sweet smile on his face.

"You know I love you right? I don't care if you yell at me all day long for making the dish water gross, I still love you." The words left his mouth with a slight chuckle.

"I love you to Satori." You quietly laughed at his previous statement, and kissed his cheek.

"Now, how about we get you to the bed, since you just refuse to sleep without me huh?" Tendou stood up and grabbed his blanket he previously had wrapped around himself.

"Hey, you know why I do that! I just don't think it feels right to sleep in our bed if we both aren't there- hey!" Your sentence was cut off with Tendou picking you, along with all your blankets, up bridal style and heading to your room. You were placed on your side of the bed, and all the blankets were thrown on top of you.
After situating the blankets, pillows, and such, Tendou got in bed right beside you and pulled you close to him.

"You know, as much as I tell you you can sleep in the bed without me, I really appreciate how you don't do it. It makes me feel like you need me, and that's really reassuring." His voice was soft and muffled, because his face was currently buried in the crook of your neck.

"Of course I need you Satori. I can hardly sleep unless your next to me, I wouldn't be able to function if I didn't have you." You intertwined your hand with his hand that was wrapped around your waist.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Satori."


First chapter done !! I've had this idea for such a long time, so I figured I should make it the first one-shot in this book. Thank you for reading!!

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