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You were working your regular shift at your regular job at your regular book store. The only thing irregular that ever happened at said job, was every Saturday, a certain redhead would come. He would walk in, make a left turn at the 2nd isle, spend about 30 seconds looking, then come to you to be rung up. Well most of the time it was you, sometimes it would be a coworker since you were out. However, since it was a local store, not many workers were needed, but other than the rare occurrence, you were always working on Saturdays.

You didn't mind working on Saturdays. It gave you a chance to sit back and relax while reading, with the occasional customer to ring up.

But, your favorite customer by far was the redhead. He came in every Saturday for the newest copy of Shōnen Jump, and every time he did you felt yourself get excited. You just liked his happy energy, not to mention he was very cute. As much as you liked him, you only got to see him once a week, always on Saturday, so it was very surprising to see him walk in again, not to mention the fact that he bought the same volume he bought just the day before.

[a bit before, with tendou]

"Hey Ushijima? Are you done looking at my new copy of Jump?" Tendou asked the tall boy, sitting at his desk.

"Oh, I dropped it in a puddle yesterday after a 1st year ran into me. Sorry. I will repay you so you can buy another one." He explained to the redhead, not once looking up from his work in front of him, but pointing to a pile of money on the side of the desk.

While Tendou should be slightly annoyed, he couldn't help but feel excited. This meant he had an excuse to go see the girl at the local bookshop for a second time this weekend, if she was working, that isoo i.

Deciding to not wait, Tendou threw in his jacket, grabbed the money, and left his shared room.

Tendou made a plan in his head on his walk over to the store. It was a plan to ask the cute register worker on a date. For the past several weeks, she was always the one to ring him up when he bought his newest edition of Jump. In fact, she was the only reason he went to that store every time. This certain bookshop was out of his way, and much higher in prices than the one right next to him, but he didn't mind. He liked seeing her, so he was willing to walk a little further and pay a little extra.

Once he reached the door of the small shop, he pulled it open, hearing the familiar ring of the bell on top of the door. As soon as he entered, he looked to his left at the cash registers to see if she was here. She was. In fact, they made eye contact for a second or two, she looked surprised, but Tendou just gave her a smile, and continued on his way.

You didn't really understand why he was here. He only ever bought 1 manga, and he bought the newest part of it yesterday, so why was he here? After about 30 seconds, he was at the register, just like always.

"The same copy? Didn't you just buy this one?" You asked him as he handed you the exact same thing he bought yesterday.

"My buddy dropped it in some water, so I'm here to get a replacement. I didn't know you payed so much attention to what a bought...Y/N." He read the nametag pinned on your shirt, and looked back up at you with a smirk on his face.

You could feel your face hearing up. "No that not it, I just see you every Saturday for the same thing, it's like a routine, I'm just used to it by now!" You waved your hands in front of your chest, trying to save yourself.

"Mhm okayyyy." He teased you, taking advantage of your nervous state.

"Anyways, why do you even come here?" You asked him.


"Like there are other stores with cheaper prices, so why not go there? Especially for a replacement." You explained your question to the boy.

"Oh yea, there's this one store right by me that's cheap, but you know what they don't have, that you guys do?" He go slightly closer to you, you could almost feel his breath over the counter.

"W-What?" You voice was shaking, you were clearly still nervous.

"A cute cashier that rings me up every Saturday." He said nonchalantly, pulled back from the counter.

You almost melted on the spot. The cute redhead guy you'd been admiring from afar for weeks, only came to the store, for you. It was almost to much.

"A-ah. Thanks." You barely managed to get out.

"Do you think this cashier would maybe.. I don't know...give me her number so I could ask her out on a date?" The taller boy asked, looking away slightly.

"I'm sure she'd love that." You replied, putting his book in a bag, and giving it to him before he handed you the money to pay with. You got a pen wrote on the receipt, and handed it to him alone with his change.

He turned to walk out, giving you a wave and smile, that you returned before he walked out the door.

After he was out of the store, Tendou looked down at the receipt in his hand and read the messy pen writing at the bottom.

Id love to know more about that date :)

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