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You weren't really sure how you ended up here to be honest. Your plans were to have a movie marathon tonight with your boyfriend, Tendou. So why were you in a Walmart at 3am? Absolutely no clue.

If you had to guess though, all of this started when the two of you began watching Titanic earlier on in the night (Surprisingly, Tendou was the one who suggested it. In his words, "Since everyone thinks this is the best romance movie, I have to watch and take notes for you Y/N."). Everything was normal in the beginning, you two were cuddling, Tendou would whisper sweet things in your ear as the movie went on, one or two longer-than-normal kisses. There was nothing that would hint to the two of you running through your nearest Walmart like lunatics.

However, as soon as your red-head boyfreind heard the "Jack, I want to draw me like one of your french girls wearing this," you could immediately tell he got an idea, and he decided to voice this when he heard the "wearing only this" that followed.

Tendoue decided that he wanted to paint you at 2:30am on a Saturday night, and it could not wait until morning. Despite your efforts to stay in his arms in his warm bed to watch the movie, Tendou wasn't having it. He told you that if you waited till morning, he would get to draw you completely naked, and you most definitely weren't letting him do that.

So there you were, swimming in the surreal but slight kenopsic feeling of being basically the only ones in the store. You two went straight to the art supplies. Not the decent stuff though, the cheap crayola paint and canvases since you two were broke college students after all.

"Y/N! You should draw me too! Since you are the one who actually does art and stuff you know?" Tendou says, grabbing more paint.

"Sure thing Satori, just grab another canvas then." You tell him, smiling softly at his goofiness.

"I think that will be everything. Do you want to go get some snacks?" Tendou asked, leaning back from his position crouched down at the bottom of the shelf to see you.

"I have the $20 I brought to buy this and that's it, so no." You say, walking out of the isle.

"Baby, I asked if you wanted snacks, not if you have money with you." Tendou says, wrapping his arms around you from the back once he caught up to you, the basket he was holding now in in front of you.

"Satori, this is why I'm in love with you. Now let me go so I can go get us some ice cream and chips." You laugh, feeling your boyfriend release you. You turned around for a quick second to peck his lips, before skipping off to grab food. "I'll meet you in the front!"

Once you had grabbed a bag of classic potato chips and a carton of chocolate ice cream, you made your way to the front, seeing Tendou on the phone with someone.

You made eye contact, pointing at the phone and tilting your head, as if to ask "who is it?". Tendou seemed to understand what you were asking, because he pulled the phone off his ear and put it on speaker.

"Semi-Semi! Say hello to my gorgeous girlfriend." Tendou said enthusiastically to his former teammate.

"Hello L/N. Can I talk to her instead? She's calmer." Semi asked, making you laugh.

"Only because I have to go pay." Tendou replied before heading to go check out, handing you the phone. You took the phone and went to sit on a bench near the exit, waiting for Tendou.

"How are you Semi? Shouldn't you be asleep?" You ask, the phone now off speaker.

"I'm good, and shouldn't you two be asleep as well?" He replies.

"Have you ever known Satori to go to sleep at a reasonable time?" You ask, laughing at your boyfriends completely messed up sleep schedule.

"I suppose that's true. What are guys doing out though?" He asks you, confusion evident in his voice.

"We were watching a movie, then Satori decided that he wanted us to paint each other, so now we're out getting stuff for that. Speaking of which, he's coming back so I'm gonna go. Get some sleep Semi!" You tell him, spotting Tendou making his way over to you.

"Bye L/N, you too." Semi replies before hanging up the call, leaving Tendou's lock screen visible. You smiled at the picture that was set as his background. It was a picture of the two of you on Tendou's couch, asleep and cuddling. You loved Tendou's eccentric personality, but when he calmed down, you just loved him even more.

"Hey Y/N, ready to paint a masterpiece?" Tendou asks you with a toothy grin, before taking your hand.

"I love you so much." You accidently let out before you can think about youre saying. You didn't mind though, you meant what you said.

"I love you to Y/N. Now come on, I want to get back home." Tendou smiles at you, dragging you to the car.

Once you actually reached his house and made it to his room, you began unpacking all of the art supplies. There wasn't too much, but enough to get the job done. You laid everything out before you let Tendou make a mess of things, hoping that would slightly help the amount of cleaning that had to be done after this.

Once Tendou told you where to sit and how to pose, he began sketching you on the canvas.

"Y/N this painting is going to be the hottest thing you've ever seen, other than your reflection of course." Tendou lets out, making you laugh at his antics.

"No. You are the hottest thing I've ever seen, but my reflection is a close second." You joke, going along with his flirting.

After a while of the two of you joking around, Tednou tells you that you can move since now he just has to color it, and he is definitely not going to try and shade. You look over at the clock which now reads 3:56am. You decided to go ahead and do Tendou since you wouldn't be able to stay up for much longer.

He must not have noticed the sound of your pencil on the canvas, or when you got up to grab some paint, because he did not look at you even once. He was so focused on painting his picture (which was taking a very long time by the way) that he was completely unaware of what was happening in his bedroom.

After about 40 minutes of Tendou struggling to perfectly paint your hair, he was finally finished with his portrait of you. When he stood to show you his masterpiece, he found you asleep on his bed,a small canvas beside you. He lifted the blankets around you, before picking up the canvas laying beside you. He smiled at the small drawn version of him struggling to paint you, executed perfectly, with a small heart drawn in the corner.

"I love you so much Y/N."

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