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ok so this is based off of the tiktok trend to the song "cyber sex" by doja cat,,, for those who don't know what that is, someone will send their crush/ significant other pictures of them with the song lyrics, then a rather risque picture, to get their reaction

It is shorter than normal, but I really love this one!

      Currently you were sitting on your bed, scrolling through TikTok, bored out of your mind. You were meant to go out with your boyfriend, Satori, but some important volleyball meeting came up. Saying you were a tad salty about it would be an understatement. So, since you had no other plans, you resorted to the internet, and what better app to waste hours on that TikTok am I right?

You scrolled through countless videos, until a particular video caught your attention. The video was of a girl, sending her boyfriend lyrics to a song by Doja Cat. You thought it was pretty cute until you saw the ending, a blurred out picture of the girl being sent to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend's reaction was hilarious, so you decided to give it a try yourself, bonus points because Satori was currently surrounded by his teammates and coach. Since it was just a meeting, you knew he had access to his phone, meaning you could get the reaction you wanted from him.

Getting into some cuter clothes, you began to take the timer pictures for the first part of the lyrics you would send. Setting your phone up, you clicked various filters and effects, trying to keep what you were doing as inconspicuous as possible.


Sitting in the gym bleachers, coach was lecturing us about some new strategy or something, I wasn't paying much attention. Since I was sitting in the back with Semi, I was able to get on my phone without getting caught, which was good, otherwise I would never make it through these meetings.

My thoughts were brought back to reality when I saw Y/N's name pop up on my snapchat. I clicked the red box immediately, seeing her, dressed up on my phone screen. She was wearing clothes she would normally wear out, which was odd for someone who only ;eft her room when I dragged her out of it. Her pose was just as cute as her clothes, she was sitting on her bed, head flipped backwards, facing the camera.

Thats a screenshot.

Although, before I clicked off, I saw the thin gray line of text at the bottom of the picture, almost hidden.

"I wanna touch on you."

I almost choked on air, about dropping my phone as well. Is this payback for leaving her today for volleyball? She seemed okay when I left..

Not 10 seconds after I clicked off of that picture, I saw another snap from my beloved girlfriend pop up. I was almost scared to open it, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

I now saw her standing in the middle of her room, gesturing to everything around her. She was still being as cute as ever, so I figured I don't have to worry about opening anything in front of the team, she was probably just messing around with the first one anyway.

"You see me in my room."

Just like the last, the next snap popped up almost immediately, to which I opened it just as quick as it appeared. For this one, Y/N was pouting, holding a teddy bear I won her not to long ago in a claw machine.

"Wish you were here right now."

That's another screenshot.

Before I even clicked out of that one, I already got the notification for another snap from her. Since these were turning out cute, I opened it eagerly, just waiting to see what she would say next. When I opened this one, I saw her laptop screen. It was turned to Disney Plus, with blankets and snacks all around.

"All of the things I'd do."

I smiled at the thought of cuddling with her right now, watching old Disney movies, and laughing at the unrealistic couples. I definitely wish I was with her right now, just enjoying her company.

After closing out of that snap, I opened the next, not prepared in the slightest for what I was about to see.

  There, on my phone, surrounded by my team, was Y/N. But not like the cutesy pictures I was receiving before, no. Now, I was seeing my girlfriend, in my shirt (holding up by her mouth), sitting on her counter in her underwear. Everything her underwear didn't cover (which wasn't much) was completely visible to me.

"I wanna get freaky on camera ;)."

Almost instantly, the room got very hot, and my shorts got rather uncomfortable. I should've known she'd pull something like this after I had to cancel our plans.

"Tendou?" I was forced to think about my settings when Ushijima called out to me. "Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, sorry I just suddenly got really hot." I tried my hardest to sound genuine, but I wasn't very convincing.

"Y/N sent him an interesting photo." My head shot up to the blonde a seat away from me.

"Semi you snitch!" I smacked his arm, as the team erupted in laughter.

I heard a loud sigh come from coach Washijō, before he spoke up.

"Get out of here Tendou, you aren't gonna be paying attention after that anyway, but you are running so many laps on Monday." He told me, pointing to the exit door.

I don't think I've ever gotten to her faster.

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