Chapter 10

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Harry shifted Teddy's nappy bag higher on his shoulder as he walked down the pathway from the gates of Malfoy Manor where he had aparated in to the Manor itself. He couldn't really believe that it had been nearly two months since he had made this same walk and met Gregory for the first time completely unsure of his welcome and nervous as hell. Well he was still a bit nervous today, it would be the first time he had been around a larger group of Malfoy's, including Draco, since he and Gregory had started courting.

Gregory, well Marcus through Gregory, had invited Harry to the manor for lunch with Teddy as Remus and Tonks were busy all day with work and Andromeda was having the day to herself in Paris. He had been unsure as to whether he really wanted to come, but the hopeful look on Gregory's face, even through floo call, and the knowledge that he would have to do this sooner or later had had him agreeing. Plus Gregory had walked into the Lions den for him, he could walk into the snake pit, again. And he had Teddy with him which amazingly added a little more security.

Looking down at Teddy he smiled when he realised he was fast asleep and drooling a little against Harry's chest in the carrier Harry had strapped them both into before leaving. His hair was flickering between aqua blue and sapphire blue reminding Harry of waves. He couldn't believe Teddy was three months old already, and beginning to show signs of mischief, much to Remus and Tonks's horror and Harry and Andromeda's amusement, after he turned Remus's skin green with some accidental magic after Remus had taken his bottle away from him.

Sucking in a deep breath as he walked up to the steps to the front doors Harry steeled himself before knocking. The door was almost immediately answered by a neat looking house elf who curtsied politely.

"Master Marcus is being telling me to bring you through, the family is being in the gardens," The house elf told him before leading him through the great long hallways to the back. Harry honestly thought that most of the things lining the hallways, on tables or hanging on the walls looked as though they belonged in a Museum or an art gallery. Stepping out of a set of large French windows the house elf then led him further down along a pathway that was lined with neatly trimmed red and white rose bushes, trailing up and over a trellis forming a beautifully secluded walkway.

Finally Harry heard voices talking, some laughter and the sound of who had to be Phoenix calling loudly to his dad. Stepping out Harry hid a wince when he realised that nearly all the Malfoy's were here. Marcus, Carina, Samuel, Marcus younger, Leandre, Gregory, Mikhail, Julia, Draco, Phoenix and who Harry reckoned had to be Tiberius - Leandre and Marcus's middle child. Just as he was considering whether he could obliviate the House elf and run for it Marcus caught sight of him and his aged face broke into a warm smile as he stood and made his way over to Harry with a fair speed that belied his age and walking stick.

"Harry, I'm so glad you came!" Marcus smiled kissing Harry's forehead before hugging him gently. And suddenly Harry felt so much more at ease, he didn't know how the older man managed to do it, but his genuine happiness at seeing Harry helped a lot.

"Thank you for inviting me, erm I was baking last night so I made some extra," Harry said a little embarrassed carefully pulling a shrunk box from the nappy bag and holding it out. He hadn't wanted to show up empty handed, but he felt a little embarrassed now.

"Oh! Home baked, what is it?" Marcus asked eagerly looking like a little kid on Christmas day making Harry smile a little.

"Just some scones and muffins, erm I wasn't sure what everyone liked so I made some blueberry muffins, some chocolate ones and some raspberry ones," Harry reeled out.

"How about we don't tell the others about these hum?" Marcus's eyes had lit up and he was tugging the lid off the box eagerly.

"Too late great-grandpa, I heard the words homebaked and chocolate," Julia laughed.

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