A Killing Game

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I looked at them smiling slightly. Clearly, There was NO way we could be in a ...Killing game. I tried to find the words to talk but before I could the emo looking kid started speaking.

"There is NO way anyone here would participate in a killing game!"

Monosuke laughed. "That's funny, Tell us another joke Mr. Detective!" 

He stepped back not knowing what to say. In other words. Speechless.


I looked around. "Did anyone else hear that?!" 

A couple of people nodded in agreement also looking around. Someone pointed at the stage.

"T-There!! Another Bear!!"

I looked at the stage. There was a black and white bear. Half and Half..He  had a red eye on the black side and on his white side he had a normal black button eye. 

"UPUPUPUPU!! Your guy's despair is so despair-inducing!! "

I still couldn't muster courage or the words to speak. The Monokubs then started to chant father as if they were talking about the bear on the stage. In fact, they WERE talking about the bear on the stage. 

Monokuma smiled. "Awe!! Look at my little children.. Anyways. Not the point. I heard you little bastards needed the rules for this killing game?" he giggled, then he started to explain them. 

The emo kid started to talk again after monokuma finished his little intro to the school and the rules to the killing game.

"So let me get this straight. You want us to participate in a killing game, find the blackened every time someone dies and if we choose the wrong person everyone dies?"

Monokuma nodded. "Basically! And if you guys finish the game to were there's only two people left..You are free to leave!!"

I couldn't believe it. I was actually placed in a killing game. And my chances of surviving were extremely low. I didn't show that I cared and I put my arms behind my head. 

Monokuma smiled at the students he then explained were dorms were and that they had free time to explore the school. 

I walked up to the emo looking boy to introduce myself. "Hi! Im kokichi Ouma, you had some fiery spirit back there Mr. Detective!"

"Don't call me that. My names Shuichi, Shuichi Saihara."

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