Traveling Soldier

144 6 21

Warnings: one cuss word.

This story is based on the song 'Travelin' Soldier.'

Words 2209


Tyler tapped his foot anxiously as he waited for the bus. He twiddled his thumbs. Ever since he was sixteen he had been dreaming about being in the army and he was finally old enough to support his country. He turned eighteen two days ago.

"Two days past eighteen"

He sat on the bus stop bench with his army green uniform on.

"He was waiting for the bus in his army green"

He was ready for anything, yet nothing could get rid of the feeling of fear. He was leaving his family behind. However, he didn't really speak to his family, nor did he have a good connection with them. His parents were divorced, and his dad was a drunk. His mom was no where in sight. He had no one, which is part of the reason he wanted to leave for the army. However, that was the reason he was scared too. What if he died out there and no one even remembered his name? No one would even care enough to hold a funeral. How heartbreaking is that? Although he knew the reasoning behind his fears he still liked to think that maybe it was because he was leaving the home he grew up in; The town he grew up in.

He also feared that maybe he was making a mistake. The army is a big deal and you can't just quit when you feel like it. But maybe that's a good thing. It's a good way to help him mature.

Tyler checked his watch, which read 3:30 PM. The bus for military camp was picking him up at 6:30. Yeah, he was early. He had to be, he always had this endless anxiety that he'd somehow read the time wrong and miss it. That would be his worst nightmare come true.

He then shifted his gaze to the plaza behind him, glancing through the variety of choices. He could maybe look around a shop or get some coffee. He definitely did feel thirsty. His eyes then met a cafe not to far away from him, and better yet he saw a window booth where he could watch the bus stop. It was perfect.

He entered the cafe with Hot Chocolate on his mind, dodging through the town's citizens quickly to the booth so no one would take it.

"Sat down in a booth in a cafe there"

He then glued his eyes to the bus stop.

"How can I help you?" A girl with a bow in her hair asked. Tyler turned and was immediately dumbfounded by her beauty.

"Um..." Tyler stuttered, so the girl gave him a smile urging him to continue. "Hot Chocolate?"

"Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair"

The girl nodded, writing it down and turning towards the kitchen. Tyler watched her as she turned the corner. He gulped, scanning around the room as he thought.

She was beautiful. More beautiful than anyone he's ever seen. Like an angel dropped from heaven.

"Here's your hot chocolate." She chimed into his thoughts, "it's on me." She shrugged, but soon rephrased for clarification. "I see you're in the army." Tyler just looked down at his suit before blushing.  The girl could tell he was shy, so she smiled.

"He's a little shy so she gave him a smile"

"My brother was in the army." She continued.

Tyler Joseph - Random Short Stories.Where stories live. Discover now