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I'm sorry. I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do what you wanted me to do. I tried to forget about you, but it's too hard when you're the only damn thing that runs through my mind all day. I know it's a bad idea, and I know you don't think we should... but what is there to lose?

I get it.... you love him. But the thing is...

I love you.

I want to be with you.

So, if you'll let me have that chance, I'd like to show you how happy I truly can make you. I'll be better for you. I'll change for you. Whatever you want from me, I'll become it. Just please, love me.

Love me, ********

- Sunday, January 4 -

She could hear the footsteps. There were vague considering the ringing in her ears, but she could hear him coming closer and closer.

Her legs were getting tired, and her lungs felt like they were going to burst at any second. Sweat dripped down her head as she stifled the noise of oncoming tears.

The wooden floor creaked under her blistering feet, giving away her every move. She kept fighting her urge to collaspe, when her eyes suddenly sparkled at the sight in front of her.

A dingy concrete pillar, covered in cracks and mold, stood right there like a sheild waiting to protect her. Using the last bit of her strength, she pushed herself off towards the pilar, trying her hardest to make it when a stinging pain hit the back of her left leg.

She shrieked, the agony spreading up to her thighs and making her tumble to the ground, her head slaming down on the splintered wood.

She groaned, wishing to leave this pain, when the footsteps sounded closer and closer. She had to keep going.

Reaching her hand out to a loose floorboard, she yanked herself forward, using all of her energy to crawl towards the pillar.

Thoughts of death flooded her skull, telling her that she wasn't going to make it. That she should give up now and pay her debts, just like he wanted. She had no chance of winning, anyway. Why did she even bother to try?

But there it was, the pillar was right there, she could feel it within her grasp. She extended her arm out, her last bit of hope to live hanging from her fingertips.


A thunderous sound shook the room, making debris from the ceiling rain down on her, but she didn't notice. Her right thigh was bleeding too profusely for her to realize anything else.

Another shrief escaped her lips, her whole body shivering like a flopping fish. But she could still make it.

Her arm was still extended, and her hand was gripping onto the the cracks of the pillar. Her nails dug in, preparing herself to pull herself up.

Every last of bit of her strength surged through her hand, prayers and pleas echoing in her mind. She tugged, and tugged, feeling her body move forward.

When the voice was right above her. That grimy, sleezy voice she wish she had never talked to.

With no might to turn around and stare at him, she muttered the last words she could breathe. "Please... don't."

His deep voice hit her ears and made head peirce in pain like an earthquake making the room shake.

"Where. is. she?," he grunted through his teeth, disregarding her previous plea for her life.

She still had no idea who he was talking about. It was at this moment she wished she hadn't lied. She should've never done this. "I... I don't know," she stuttered, her lip quivering. " B..But please... I-"

"We had a deal!," he roared, making her whole body go limp like a dead animal.

Before she could say anything else, her chest suddenly burst into an excruciating pain. She gasped for air, hoping it would reach her lungs, but she failed each time. Her lungs felt like they were burning with each attempt at a breath.

Every bit of strength she had was leaving her system, and her grip on the pillar weakened into nothing as her arm went limp with the rest of her body.

It was like the most painful heart attack she could ever experience.

She resorted to breathing through her mouth, but even that was swallowing a handful of rusty nails.

The room was turning pitch black as she struggled, and as her eyesight cmpletely gave out, she saw the man that had condemened her to her fate, and heard him mumbled five last words.

"We had a goddamn deal."

And then, her heart stopped.

And her body was nothing but a lifeless husk.

Nothing but a lifeless husk who'd failed him. Nothing but a mere obstacle who'd gotten in the way.

An obstacle in his path to finding her. To loving her.

Just like Charles Lee.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Spencer LeeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя