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"Lena, it's your father. I've been trying to let you blow off some steam so I haven't tried calling in a few days. I know you're probably pissed with me and you have every right to be. It's not everyday your dad and his entire police division tails you, right? When you're ready talk it out, just give me a call or meet me at the office. I hope I hear from you soon."


"Hey, Lena. It's your dad... again. I haven't heard any complaints from the coffee shop in a while so I just wanted to know if you were alright, heh. Just... call me when you get the chance, kay?"


"Two weeks and counting. One of your friends - Blake, I think was his name - said you had left town and didn't know if you were coming back. Please tell me he's joking and shoot me a text."


"Enough is Enough! It's been a fucking month and you haven't said shit to anyone! This little game of playing the silent treatment, it's not funny nor is it cute! People are worried about you, dammit! Call me!"


"Lena, please. It's been three months, and you've been dead silent. You haven't responded to my voicemails, texts, phone calls. Your friends said you that you had suddenly left and that they didn't know where you were headed. I'm actually starting to believe them. Just please give me some sign that you're alive, Lena. Anything. I know you don't wanna hear this, but... I lo-"

Lena ended the voicemail before her father could even finish his sentence. With her right hand, she deleted each message, her left hand clinging tighter to the steering wheel of her 2003 Ford Ranger Truck.

"Bastard,"she scowled under her breath. She tossed her phone to the back seat, and proceeded to stomp her foot down on the accelerator. So what if she was ten miles over the designated speed limit?

Three months out of the dumpster fire town of Mayrose, and Lena's regular routine still didn't feel any different. She'd pretty much drove to about seventeen cities in California, never really settling down anywhere, sometimes staying in a dusty motels for the week. And now, in early January, she found herself driving down the icy roads of White Pine County, Nevada.

While the place itself looked like it was completely isolated, Lena knew she still wasn't that far from town lines. She was only about eight hours away, despite taking the long route of California to even make it this far. And in all honesty, she had absolutely no idea where she was she planning make her final stop. Since the day Yara planted the stack of ten thousand dollars in her hand, Lena just continued to drive forward with no real game plan of what to do next.

She was officially down to nine thousand eight hundred dollars, considering she had bought five personal gallons of gas and a gas container to reduce station stops, and she had spent a bit on the few motels she had stayed at. Most of all she spent time looking for a decent drink to replace her all time favorite drink... a pumpkin spice latte. With the new year coming in, it seemed as though every coffee shop had stopped selling them, which left Lena looking for a new drink to pilfer. But other than that, Lena didn't have a clue of where she wanted to settle down. All she really knew was that she didn't want to hear from him anymore. Even with the bitter cold surrounding her, her skin couldn't help but get hot from anger. Did her dad really expect her to turn back to him after he'd sent his entire squad of officers to car chase her? Yeah right.

There was nothing left in that town for her to stay for. No one for her to really miss.Don't get her wrong, it's not like Spencer, Blake, and - she guessed Yara - weren't there. And it wasn't like the four of them hadn't grown close after everything they'd been through together. But in Lena's eyes, it was gonna take a lot more than a murder mystery to get her to stay in a town that clearly didn't want her around. They'd even tried to hit her up a couple of times to see how she was holding up. Well, mostly Blake. He use to constantly send her messages teasing her that he'd never given her a pumpkin spice latte until the end of the semester, a promise he'd made a while back. Until one day, the messages just stopped coming back. Probably for the best, Lena would always tell herself. She didn't need any distractions.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Spencer LeeWhere stories live. Discover now