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-  Monday, January 5 -

"Um, are... are you sure about this?"

Spencer fiddled with his mitten covered fingers, roughly wiping the snot slowly dripping from his stuffy nose. Even with the thickness of his corduroy overalls and green snow boots, the bitter cold of early January  still seeped through to his skin, making him shiver.

"You'll be fine, Spence. Trust me. After all..."

Spencer raised up his head, his rosy cheeks lifting into a little grin at the sight of his dad standing on top of the ice. His dad stepped closer to him, letting himself freely glide across the icy sheet as though he were wearing skates. 

"What's life without a little risk?" His dad reached out his glove to him, his beam brighter than the glint in his sapphire blue eyes.

His body still shaking, Spencer placed his small hand in his dad's, carefully placing one foot onto the frozen lake. He instantly could feel his weight sliding him forward, as his body lunged ahead as though he were doing a split.

"Woah!," Spencer wobbled, holding out his arms to catch his balance. Ounces of terror rushed  up to his face, his eyes spazzing out as he felt like he couldn't move. He then felt the tight grasp of his father's hands holding him steady.

"It's okay," he spoke softly. "Just take a deep breath."

Spencer followed along with him, inhaling the smell of frozen pine as the crisp wind made the inside of his nose tingle.

"Now just... let it all go."

He exhaled, lifting his other leg from the snow and planting it on the ice.

"There ya go!," his dad exclaimed proudly, grabbing his other arm as he gently pulled Spencer further out onto the lake.

Spencer's body was still shaking- from both the cold, and in fear that the ice wouldn't hold his weight. But seeing the look of pure joy his father had on his face, made Spencer slowly relax the tension in his calves, as he pushed himself forward.

"I'm... I'm doing it!," he squealed, his chattering teeth now grinning wide. With pride, he began releasing the grip he had on his dad's hands, and started skating across the ice by himself.

"That's my boy!," his dad chuckled, fully letting him go and skating forward. He started doing his own fantastical maneuvers, driving his foot within the ice and doing a three-sixty spin with the other leg up.

Spencer watched in amazement, his eyes wide like two full moons. Biting his lip, he imitated his father's movements, planting his right foot in, and trying to kick off his left foot to go into a spin. But in his haste, he lost balance as his left foot slid further out. Now with his arms out, he could feel himself falling backwards, when he suddenly felt his dad's tucked underneath his armpits.

Fearful of his dad's disappointment, he lifted up his chin to see his father was still chuckling, if not louder now.

"Nice try, buddy," his dad spoke through each laugh. "But I'd say that's enough slipping and sliding for one day, don't you think?"

Spencer heard the genuine delight in his tone, and couldn't help but laugh with him.

His dad sighed. "Alright. Let's crash for a moment." He lowered Spencer down to the ground , until he was sitting atop of the ice with palms spread out. 

His dad sat beside him, taking in an exasperated breath and heaving it out with relaxed shoulders. "Take it all in, Spencer. Isn't it beautiful?"

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Spencer LeeWhere stories live. Discover now