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"Okay, let me see if I've got this right."

Yara could feel a bead of sweat trickle down the side of her head. This was a lot more stressful than she thought it would be.

"Your order was a Carmel Frappacino, no ice, one percent milk, three pumps of carmel, and two pumps of whipped cream... right?"

She looked up at the man standing across from her at the counter with a pleading expression. The man's arms were crossed with nerving impatience.

"Miss, I just ordered a croissant. I've been waiting for fifteen minutes for something I can see in the window shop!" He angrily pointed his finger at the display window directly beneath the counter. Six fresh croissants were sitting there, the smell filling the entire room.

Blood instantly rushed up Yara's cheeks, making her cocoa skin turn bright red. "Oh. Um, sorry. Well then who ordered the-"

"The woman who ordered that got tired of waiting - understandably so." The man mumbled under his breath, his eyes showing obvious annoyance at Yara's mistake. "She left ten minutes ago!"

Yara's heart sank down to her stomach. Her first shift of work today and she was already blowing it. She frantically started moving around. "I... I am so sorry! Uh..." She bent down to the display window, grabbed one of the croissants, and placed in a paper bag. "H-Here. And to apologize for the inconvenience, it's on the house. Oh, and-"

She grabbed the drink she had made for the previous order and slid it over to the man, trying to ignore his raised eyebrow. "A complimentary drink! I... hope you like caramel." She forced a dejected smile on her face.

The man shifted his eyes between Yara and the drink, scoffed, and snatched the drink off of the table. then without saying anything else, spun sharply around to the exit.

"Thanks for visiting The Grind!," Yara called out to him hopelessly. "Have a lovely-"

The door violently slammed shut, making Yara's shoulders flinch.

She heaved a long sigh. "Day."

Looking down at her messy work station, Yara began wiping down the counter of it's breadcrumbs and spilled milk.

She never imagined that she'd go from creating a fashion line that thousands of people wanted to see... to screwing up drink orders at her favorite coffee shop. But she was doing what she needed to do.

After exposing her father, Henry Davis', lies and dirty money to the public - and him fleeing the town like a little punk - Yara and her mother were falling on hard times. They had just enough to stay at a hotel, but the little money they have left can only get them so far.

While Yara's mother, Sierra Davis, was embarking on her own project to make money for them, Yara had taken the responsibility of taking a more normal approach - a minimum wage job.

Sure, being a barista wasn't ideal, and it definitely wasn't her first choice. But after all the rumors and drama that had been whispered about the the Davis Family, the only thing smaller than Yara and her mom's cash flow, was the people's trust in them. With Stacy's death at Yara's party, her family hiding the body, and the dozens of illegal bank statements made to keep the town running, everyone had their suspicions on them, so finding anything different was close to impossible.

Yara wasn't angry though. She had no right to be. She'd screwed up and the consequences would obviously catch up with her eventually. This was just her paying her long awaited dues.

Besides, if it meant she could pick up the pieces her father left shattered, make up for their mistakes, and gain back the town's trust, then so be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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